Restless Leg Syndrome


Anyone else here bothered by RLS. It's after midnight and I can't sleep because of my RLS. Just wondering if anyone else on the boards has it and has any tricks.


Active Member
i do, its mostly in my toes though it feels like ants crawling in and out in between them
then it travels up from there try a hot bath and a good scratch/rub while your in the water. requip is good if ya need a rx recommendation.


Active Member
I have nerve damage in a leg that left it partially paralyzed. Nothing quite like nerve pain. I can rub certain parts of my leg and it feels like something is brushing across the top of my foot. I can't detect hot and cold and sharp and dull in places on my leg but I do feel. The Mutha is my foot. It is mostly paralyzed and has a constant needles and pins, stinging burning shocking sensation that I just had to live with. It's funny but when it's constant it's easier to shut pain out.


Active Member
i get it, mostly bothers me when riding in a car, but it often destroys a good nights sleep for me. I'm keen on tips. I wouldnt mind hearing a few suggestions because nothing I have tried has worked.


Active Member
Try a chronic pain course if meds don't work. I went through one where they taught a lot of stretching and breathing, yoga type stuff. It does help. Especially the breathing.


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i do, its mostly in my toes though it feels like ants crawling in and out in between them
then it travels up from there try a hot bath and a good scratch/rub while your in the water. requip is good if ya need a rx recommendation.
I take requip and usually it helps, last night nothing was working.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
I've tried all the meds... nothing works.
If you can increase your requip dosage, what my neurologist has me doing is taking a certain dosage at dinner time and then another dosage at bedtime. Most of the time it works, but it took my body a long time to be able to tolerate it.


Originally Posted by reefraff
I have nerve damage in a leg that left it partially paralyzed. Nothing quite like nerve pain. I can rub certain parts of my leg and it feels like something is brushing across the top of my foot. I can't detect hot and cold and sharp and dull in places on my leg but I do feel. The Mutha is my foot. It is mostly paralyzed and has a constant needles and pins, stinging burning shocking sensation that I just had to live with. It's funny but when it's constant it's easier to shut pain out.
My best friend has RSD, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, with a lot of the same symptoms, her foot is really bad. She is going through her second series of nerve blocks. She hates the meds because they alter who she is.


Active Member
My neurologist has me on neurontin. It has worked wonders for me. When I was pregnant it was unbearable and nothing,nothing,nothing, worked. I was literally getting about 2 hours of sleep at night, I had the RLS all day and night.


Originally Posted by jeanheckle
Thanks, i couldn't figure that one out. I am on a type of that. It all seems to be hit or miss.
Up the dose and take it right before you go to sleep but you need to ask for the xan&x it works that nerve med will make you fell like a zombie.


Active Member
won't work for me. I use to take it when I flew (Not because I needed them to to fly. but I needed it to sit still that long).
I'm come to the conclusion I'm going to walk the hallways all night just like my mamma did.


Originally Posted by tdog7879
Requip or whatever it is called is a joke makes you feel like crap.
I had to stay on the minimum dose for a long time and slowly work my way up. Now I split my dose in two. Once at dinner and then before bed. It truly has helped me more than anything now that I am acclimated to it. But some nights I still find no relief!


And the symptoms are impossible to explain other than the need to shake your legs non stop.
It was hysterical when we had a water bed. My husband said he got sea sick every night.