Restocking fish list needs input


Active Member
I am going to remove all of my fishes from the main tank in February and I want to Keep my current fishes
4 yellow wrasses
1 red coris wrasse
Large evil blue tang
Medium size vlamingi
Medium yellow tang
Cleaner wrasse
Large gold maroon clown Pair
And whatever left of my BG chromis
I have to have emperor,naso tang and 3 leopard wrasses..
So I only need two Angels and 2 tangs
Some of the possibility
Regal angel
Asfur angel
Blue face angel
Queen angel
Orange shoulder tang
Achilles tang
Powder blue tang
Purple tang
Atlantic blue tang
I will Copper qt all of my fish for 2 months on 90 gallons without any live rocks or hiding spot just like the LFS
but nothing too expensive ...


my understanding on copper is that while a fish is in the water treated with copper, their immune systems don't have to do anything. then when you throw them in water without copper then their immune systems dont fight off diseases like it should. and im sure it stresses them out in the move. is this correct? has anyone ever heard of this?
but i like the blueface and queen and the purple and orange shoulder


Active Member
Thank you and merry Xmas
I will go fallow for 2 months it will kill all the ick spore in the main tank so no more ick since I will not add anymore corals nor fish after this summer!