restocking my 75 gal


well, the title pretty much says it all... i need help/suggestions for stocking my 75 gal. i successfully kept a peaceful community tank for over a year, and now i want to go a new direction, so i sold my fish to a friend who is just getting into saltwater. here is my wishlist as of now, and i am open to making changes:
tomato clown w/ BTA
flame angel
pinktail trigger
ornate wrasse (ive also seen it called christmas wrasse)
2 or 3 damsels
question 1:
is there anything that sticks out in this list as something that will not work?
question 2:
the damsels: i have heard in the past that some damsels are absolutely terrible... which kinds are those? i have heard that some arent that bad... which are those? i dont want to go the chromis route because they were in my last tank... what about domino damsel? how are they? also... what about a starkii damsel? anyone know anything about these? i like how they look.
question 3:
the wrasse: i have read that this fish is very peaceful, is this going to be a problem with the trigger, angel, and damsels?
thanks for any input.


I dont know a lot about the trigger but I know most triggers can get pretty big, also if you are going to have any coral the trigger might not work with that.


Active Member
many people also keep nigers in there tanks, but the pink tip does look sweet

but these people tend to get them you and feed often,also feed certain foods to keep there teeth under control.
some have also said to keep the trigger busy, meaning periodically pass by the tank so they can see you, when they do they think feeeeeding time. however after time they go back into cruze mode. so by keepin them busy for a while then calmin down they tend to stay busy.
i have never had a trigger so i can not confirm this, maybe some one else can. but if you think about it, it makes sense.


yes it does make sense thank you. i would really love some input from people who have kept pinktail triggers (or niger triggers because i hear they are somewhat similar). this is probably the one fish i am most looking forward to possibly keeping, but would probably not get it if i thought it would mess with my coral, not worth it....


I just got rid of a blue devil damsel, the name says it all! Mine chased everything in the tank. It just had to pester everything.


I just got rid of a blue devil damsel, the name says it all!
Mine chased everything in the tank.
It just had to pester everything. He now lives at the lfs

college kid

Originally Posted by dwendler4
question 2:
the damsels: i have heard in the past that some damsels are absolutely terrible... which kinds are those? i have heard that some arent that bad... which are those? i dont want to go the chromis route because they were in my last tank... what about domino damsel? how are they? also... what about a starkii damsel? anyone know anything about these? i like how they look.

DO NOT, AND I REPEAT DO NOT GET A DOMINO DAMSEL! They are heck on everything. I had one and put a maroon clown in with a condi, that damsel chased the clown all day long, until the clown went into the condi, no more damsel. He was absolutely terrible to all my fish. He would "heard" all the fish into seperate corner of the tank. Hope that helped


Active Member
Originally Posted by dwendler4
well, the title pretty much says it all... i need help/suggestions for stocking my 75 gal. i successfully kept a peaceful community tank for over a year, and now i want to go a new direction, so i sold my fish to a friend who is just getting into saltwater. here is my wishlist as of now, and i am open to making changes:
tomato clown w/ BTA
flame angel
pinktail trigger
ornate wrasse (ive also seen it called christmas wrasse)
2 or 3 damsels
question 1:
is there anything that sticks out in this list as something that will not work?
question 2:
the damsels: i have heard in the past that some damsels are absolutely terrible... which kinds are those? i have heard that some arent that bad... which are those? i dont want to go the chromis route because they were in my last tank... what about domino damsel? how are they? also... what about a starkii damsel? anyone know anything about these? i like how they look.
question 3:
the wrasse: i have read that this fish is very peaceful, is this going to be a problem with the trigger, angel, and damsels?
thanks for any input.
Also remember you are 50/50 with the angel and corals.