Results of first couple of test...



Ok I think everything is going Ok. The tank has been set up a week and has 2 damsels to cycle it.
11/13/2002 Wed:
Nitrite = 0
Ammonia = 0
Salinity 1.023
11/162002 Today
Nitrite = 0
Ammonia 1.5
Salinity 1.023
I hope these test mean the cycle is starting, it seems to be going slow but I was expecting that. The only thing I am worried about is the Ph. Is 7.7 too low?
Thanks for the feed back,


Since you are in the middle of the cycle, I would actually try to get UNcured rock now if you have the money. It is generally a bit cheaper, and will have a larger variety of life on it. Plus, since you are already cycling, it won't hurt a thing, if anything, it will speed the cycle along a bit, but only if you get it soon. If you wait, I still recommend uncured rock, but you will need to get a plastic tub of some sort, fill it with freshly mixed saltwater, let that sit a while to stabilize, then go get your rock and put it in there to cure, add a powerhead or a skimmer, or both, keep the temp in the same range as your tank, and let that sit a few days, testing it like you would during your tank cycle. Once the ammonia and nitrite readings are zero/undetectable, you can place that rock in your display tank.


I want to keep my cycle slow, since I wont be able to get rock till mid Dec. I would like it sooner, but I have to save up my B-Day money. Feels like I am a kid again. Anyways...what would a good way of raising my Ph?


SeaChem Marine Buffer is good. Eventually you also want to measure your KH and Ca levels. They should be ~9-10 dKH and 400 - 450 ppm. I currently only use SeaChem Reef Builder to keep up the KH.
Ammonium is high. The additon of some cured LR might bring it down a bit what will benefit your damsels.