Resurecting Star Polyps

jkp rules

Hey Everyone. So I was at my LFS the other day and they had some GSP in one of their QT tanks because the rock had got infested with some kind of pest anemone. There was insufficient light and the water was way too cold apparently. Nothing was opening up and the purple mat was falling off the rock. They were about to take out the rock and kill everything so I convinced them to give me me a bunch of the mat and I through it into a tank I'm using to cure a little rock. Any chance that the GSP's are still alive and will start opening up?


most likle depends on how long they were in that tank. dont give up on them for a while tho,even GSP that are open at the store take a long time to open in ur tank when i got mine they stayed closed for 3 days, so i would guess a bunch that is already stressed might take longer

jkp rules

Oh, they're definitely stressed. I'm not too confident about this little experiment. The curing tank i have is a 2.5 gallon that I'm using to cure a little rubble, and it hasn't been at it long. I'm sure ammonia and such is through the roof. But I got the stuff for free, so I thought, why not. For some reason I was under the impression that as long as there is some purple mat then there is some hope. Maybe I'll have some luck. Worst case scenario, I'm right back where I started.
I would have dipped them and then put them in my DT. If it's going from bad water with insufficient lighting to bad water wtih insufficient lighting, what's going to change? I doubt you have a light on your curing tank, if so it's kind of a waste.

jkp rules

Curing tank is outside where if gets a couple of hours of direct sunlight a day. I thought about the dip idea and just putting it in the DT, but I didn't want to risk end up with a bunch of the pest anemones plaguing my system.