retarded lion


thats normal, i have 3 lions and 2 of them does that all the time.nothing wrong with ur's, i would worry if it was up side down and dead :p


Mine will stick himself to the side of one of my filters for days. looks like he's dead sometimes then he'll just randomly float around in the currents till he sees me then he thinks I'm going to put more feeders in and starts dancing around and swiming in circles. He's so cool!!


how long did you have him? how big was he?
any tankmates? how long was he swimming like that for?
Drew :)


I had him for about a month and he was a dwarf so only about 3 inches, He lived in a ten gallon tank by himself andhe only did it for about 2 weeks then he died.


hmmm.... if anyone knows,but could it be a swim bladder infection/disease? if I recall themost common cause in saltwater fish is improper diet? hmnm Ill check tomorrow when I can find my disease book...
was his diet mainly feeders? if so what kinds, and what else/how often was he fed, and what?


sorry to hear ur lost :( , just wondering how long has that tank with the lion been setup and running?


What were you feeding him? Feeding freshwater fish to a saltwater predator is probably the worst thing one can do. I believe much of the nutrition that a predator gets is from the food in the gut of the the prey. Freshwater fish do not supply the proper nutrition. Kind of like how Cheeseburger's taste great, but will kill you if that is all you eat day in and day out.
My opinion is to buy a lion that is already eating prepared foods and don't ever spoil them feeders.


he was eating freshwater rosy reds and ghost shrimp but then i ran out and someone told me on this board that he would eat frozen food so i fed him some thoughed brine shrimp and he seemed to eat them fine.


[shadow=blue,left,300]I have a fuzzy dwarf whos swims upside down or vertically straight up or down once in awhile... it's wierd. Then... WHOOSH! It'll strike at something which it thinks is food... or it could possibly be food that I didn't see.
He eats anything. Brine, Forumla 1, Frozen defrosted brine, frozen defrosted chopped squid. [/shadow]

fish boy

is it good to feed them saltwater fish you catch becuse i catch hundreds of small saltwater silver sides every day