return/ closed loop


Would this work or is it a good idea to try. I was thinking about basically running a loop of of my return pump. I have a 150RR, waiting on Mag 24. Could this work. I'm thinking of running six 1" loc lines from 3/4 return line again using a Mag 24. Please advise. Hey acrylic51 you seem like a pretty knowledgable helpful person please if you're out there.


Active Member
Just to clarify..
Are you wanting to use the Mag as a return from the sump and branch it off 6 X
or use it for a closed loop seperate from the sump and branch the closed loop 6 X ??


Active Member
im not acrylic....
but a closed loop is and should be seperate from ur overflow/sump
u should keep the two seperate since they act in different ways u want the water going from the overflow through the sump to have time to skim the water and such.... ur sump should have around 800-1000 gph of flow going through it....
a mag 24 would empty ur sump in half a second then u would have to throttle it back and u wouldnt get what ur lookin for....
if i were u..... i would do the two seperate... i run a closed loop on my 180 and i had holes drilled in the glass.....
if u want 6 returns on a closed loop ur basically guna need 2 - 1.5" holes as drains to feed the mag 24.... otherwise the mag wont pull enough water from one single line
if ur tank is already running ur guna have a hard time setting up a CL system u basically need a empty tank one in which u can drill and add ur bulkheads makes life alot easier....
if not just use some powerheads such as SEIOS or TUNZEES they both work great


Active Member
Agree with Murph....They are 2 separate systems and if you run it off the main return pump it technically wouldn't be a CL........The CL means just that it's kinda self contained....You don't have to worry about the back syphon of water to the sump as you do with a return pump........
The tank could easily be converted to a CL.....Depending how high or low you drill your drain holes in the tank..........I've done it on tanks up and running, but a real PITA to make sure nothing gets into the tank.......Another option for the Tunze and Seios would be a Super Squirt or OceansMotions 4 way that could be adapted with thought without drilling the tank for a CL


Thanks a million fella's I've been following this site for a little while now try'n to get it together. I currently run a 75 fowlr. I recently purchased an oceanic 150rr. Wasn't really planning on try'n to drill any additional holes so I guess tunze might be the way to go. I just recently purchased a 33 long that I wanted to make the sump out of. Other than that the tank is pretty much still available to try anything with. By the way Murph your tank is basically exactly what I'm aiming for, beautiful. Kind of late but thanks and I will be bugging all three of you guys real soon. Thanks.


Active Member
hgey let us know we all have kinda different specialties that we focused into our tanks mines the closed loop! lol
i have 2-1" drain wholes that T up into a 2" PVC pipe and heads down to my sequence Dart pump then sendeds it back up using 1.5" pvc piping to my Oceans Motion 4 way with 4 1" returns....
the OM 4 way closes down 2 returns at a time making for a more random current effect in the tank which is great for all corals and especially sps corals
hit me up on my email whenever u got a question
and thanks for the compliment on my tank


New Member
euroreef ES5-2 I'm currently using on my 75 gallonis this for sale and how much shipped to 36804