Return of the six line wrasse


Long story short...moved everybody from 12 g nano to new tank. The last fish to move was the six line wrasse because obviously she kept avoiding me. Nothing in the tank but the wrasse and I'm going it for the capture (grin)...when POOF~! she disappears!! I've heard they can hide in the sand so I decide to wait until she reappears. This was last Sunday. She doesn't reappear Sun...or Mon...or Tues. I start searching the tank and sifting through the ls...nothing. I search the table & the floor for a body...nothing. I double check the compartments in the cube again...nothing. I figure she somehow jumped out of the tank and one of my dogs ate her.
I haven't added water to the nano in a week; the compartments have only a few inches of water. I'm shutting down the nano...I removed the heater, turned off the filter...when....
you guessed it, I spot a movement. It is the wrasse. Turns out there is a lip...ledge...whatever... in compartment she has been in. She could hide & be blocked from view when the compartment was full of water.
Her color was a little faded, but she was ok. She is very much ok this morning.
Needless to say she didn't fight me or try to elude capture this morning. She is now happily exploring her new digs. :D