Return Pump Broken- Need Replacement ASAP- What to do?


While I was on vacation, the person I asked to top off my tank neglected to do so and my return pump burned out from running dry.
Everything in the tank looks fine, but it's not connected to the sump anymore since I don't have a pump. My previous pump was a Rio 10HF Hyper Flow rated at 660 gph. I was looking online for a replacement Rio pump, but I could only find ones rated at 642 and 692 gph. Which one would be best? I completely forgot how much my overflow is rated for since I bought it over 2 years ago. Also, how long can my tank go without being connected to the sump? What should I do in the meantime? Please help! Thank you!


Make sure you have powerheads going in the tank. I would goto a LFS to pickup something to get everything moving as fast as possible. As long as there is flow the tank should be fine but may need a water change since the sump and probably a skimmer is not working at the moment.
I had something similar happen so what I do is have a set of spare parts on hand in order to fix anything. I have 2 pump bodies and a replacement impeller etc in case the impeller or shaft break for some reason.


I'll get a water change going right now, and yes, the powerheads are fine. Do you think the tank will be fine until one ships to me? I'll definitely expedite shipping, also should I go with the 642gph or 692?