return pump in sump?


New Member
I am looking to return around 1200gph from my sump to my tank and was wonder if instead of one 1200gph pump, can I use three 400gph pumps? The reason being is that i would like to keep the tank from any clutter. If i use three pumps for the return, i can place the returns in three different positions in the take. I can eliminate power heads in the tank. I was also thinking that if this works, i could attach a piece of pvc to the pump and have about 12" go into the tank strait down. I would but a cap on the end of the pvc. Then i would drill three holes, facing different directions and depth into the pvc. By doing this it would be like three power heads instead of one. If i do this with the three 400gph return pumps, it would be like 9 power heads in my tanks. I don't know if i will work and i am curious to what people think about it. WILL IT WORK?


Active Member
Sounds good in 'theory" and may work well with a few adaptations...
1.Drilled/capped PVC for returns...I use a similar system on both my tanks to distribute water flow...Just make sure you have enough or big enough holes to NOT restrict flow so much you lose efficency.
2.1200gph with 4' head (sump to tank) will probably pump more water than 3x400gph pumps which lose volume quickly as head rises...Maybe 3x600gph or so would be better...cross check ratings at head height.
3.If you only go with3 holes per return the larger pumps will build more pressure under restriction giving you the "effect" (of 9ph's) your looking for.

nm reef

Active Member
I run a MagDrive 1200 as my return from the sump and it is seperated into three individual return lines. With the length from pump to display I probably only get 900-1000 GPH but it has been effective for my application. Before I'd use 3 seperate return pumps I'd consider purchasing a single pump to provide the GPH you want then devise a means of splitting the return from one pump. Each pump added will take up space and provide additional source of heat...why use three smaller pumps when one would be just as effective and probably much more efficient?


New Member
when you take one pump and split it three ways, do you reduce the diameter of the return line so that the pressure is there? ie: 3/4" tubing for a single return...... when you split it three ways, are you using three 1/4" tubing?


Active Member
I would say no run the same size line to all Three outlets. You will have enough restrictions with all the "Ts" and Elbows.
With enough volume the pressure will build when you hit the capped/drilled outlets.
1/4" line would be way too small.

nm reef

Active Member
No...I don't reduce the line size....mine starts as a 3/4" tubing and each of the three return lines are the same size. Mine goes into a splitter that has three outlets...each with a valve to adjust flow rate seperately.I would think that reducing the return line very much would contribute to back pressure and may reduce the flow rate...not positive about that but it seems to make sense to me.:cool: