Return Pump question


What would one recommend for a return pump in the sump for a 120 gallon reef display. I would say approximate 5 feet of head pressure. Target turnover is 15 times.
Factors include noise, electricity, heat, RELIABILITY!


Just to let you know that every corner you use would add approx. 1 foot of head pressure. What is your flow rate for your overflow??? It's hard to say which pump you could get, but for that size of a tank, I would suggest a mag 18 or even mag 24. Magdrive pumps are real quiet IMO and they are good for their dollar.


Active Member
15x's turnover is a little too much flow for a sump to handle. At this rate, the water would move through the sump so fast that the skimmer wouldn't have much time to strip the water of DOC's, and there is a good chance of microbubbles. Plus, 15x's turnover on a 120 gallon tank would wreck havoc on a refugium if you planned on having one.
Look to moving about 5-7x's your display volume through the sump and use supplementary means of flow (power heads, closed loop, surge devices, etc.) to acheive a total turnover of 15x's (which is a good goal for a reef).


I have a Dolphin DP 1200 for my return. I like it. I have a Mag 7 running my skimmer. Its quiet too. Either brand would be good.


to stay away from heat problems, use an external pump.
I LOVE my sequence dart pump. quiet and VERY energy efficient! works like a champ. my tank is 72 gal (plus another 15-20 for the sump). i think you would need the hammerhead model.
with regards to plumbing, ivanfj is right about the hard 90 degree turns. use spa-flex instead of pvc. it is schedule 40 strength and is flexible, so there are no hard corners. i used it and it was a lot easier to plumb with also. its a little more expensive, but well worth the cost reducing friction in your return line! uses the same primer and glue as pvc.


I ended up buying 1 inch and 3/4 inch diameter braided vinyl tubing for the plumbing to avoid the 90 degree turns. I found it in the section with the spa hosing at Home Depot, has anyone used this tubing and will it work?


hello everybody,
i just got one of the last pieces to get my tidepool 1 sump up and running.. i have the overflow that usually comes with the kit thanks to ---- really cheap.. how many GPH am i looking for?:thinking: sorry to take over the thread if i did.. :jumping:
its a 55 gallon reef in progress..