Return pump question...?


Active Member
I have a 20 gallon and am setting up a 10 gallon refugium/sump. I am a little hesitant on drilling my tank so I am going to go the external overflow. My question is I am going to get the eshopps nano overflow that is rated @ 200gph. My main concern is what would be a good return pump to match this overflow? From where the pump will be sitting to the top of my tank is about 3.5'. I just don't want to make the mistake of getting the incorrect pump. 

mr llimpid

I never had a internal over flow, never understood how the system started flowing again after a power outage. But for the pump you need to have 10x your tank size so for a 20 gal tank you need a 200 gph, you also need to look at the manufacture chart for head presure this will reduse the return gph.


Will the tank be a reef, FO, etc? That will actually dictate how much flow you want to shoot for.

Is the tank a std. rectangle, a long, or a tall?

How many returns will you have?

Will the pump be driving any other equipment (chiller, reactors, SCWD, etc)

In general, you'll want to be looking at a pump that puts out 200 gph - 300 gph unless you're going to add equipment to the return line.

The Sicce Syncra Silent series are really nice and super quiet, as are the Eheims. You could possibly use a Maxi-Jet 1200.


Well-Known Member

Just jumping in with a personal opinion...If you want to go with a sump system, do yourself a HUGE favor and drill the tank. Those overflow boxes are a pain to keep going after the power is off, my CPR lifter pump has caused about 5 floods already.


Active Member
Sorry its a 20 gallon high and its a reef tank. I would like to have 2 returns and have the overflow in the middle of the tank. Here is an Idea of what I want

mr llimpid

A couple of comments, you don't need a sand bed in your sump (leaves more room for rocks), keep your return line close to top of water line so it won't siphoned water back down into sump it will also make good tuba lance across top of surface water. When pick out a protein skimmer make sure you have enough clearance to remove collection cup, allot units have a neck that goes down into unit that the manufacture doesn't tell you about.


Active Member
What do you guys think about this pump? Sicce Syncra Silent 1.5 Multifunction Aquarium Pump (357 GPH) 23 w. It puts out about 258GPH at 3 feet and has an adjustable flow so I was thinking I could dial it down if needed.

mr llimpid

I have nothing but good luck with quite one pumps, never had a Sicce Syncra Silent. Owend two mag drive pumps nothing good say about them.


Active Member
Yeah I was looking at the quite ones also. I am still contemplating on doing the HOB overflow or just break down and buying a new tank and drilling it so I wont have to worry about any issues. Plus I think I want to give bare bottom a shot. I have a little outbreak of flat worms and I do not want them to transfer over to my new tank what is my best option? Is there something I can dip my rocks in before transferring them into the new tank?


I'm using both Sicce and Quiet Ones on systems we currently have running. I must say that I do prefer the Sicce over the QO for silence, but I've never had a problem with the QO (using a QO 4000, so it's one of the larger models). The Sicces we're using are all 1.0's that I re-pumped all of our AIOs with.


Well-Known Member
Here's another vote for a quiet one pump.

I would also put some thin beads of silicone around the pump for it to rest on the sump. It quiets it down even more. I like the fact that the quiet one uses much less power to run than a mag drive.

Look into something energy efficient - for the sake of the planet!