Return Pump Suggestions..


Hello everyone,
well its that time again, time to dish out some more money
Just wondering what everyone was using for a return pump and if your happy with your buy. Right now, I just have a cheap Catalina CA2200 (800gph). Don't get me wrong, its a good little pump and has served me well over the last 3 years, but I was looking for a slightly more "quiet" pump. Right now I can hear this thing from my living room and just wanted something a little more quiet and more reliable. I've been looking at the Mag's, Rio's and Eheim's that would probably work, but can't find anything with the exact flow rate. I understand there is wiggle room with the flow rate, just can't have too much/too little. Setup is a 120 DT with 30gal sump/fuge, single overflow, and needs to pump up about 65" (little over 5ft.) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance!


Wow, thank you both for the quick responses! I really appreciate it. Thats the pump I was looking at for the mags... at first I was nervous about the flow rate (735gph @ 5.5ft.) and then i remembered that I had a ball valve on the return line, hiding behind the tank.
I guess when you neglect your tank for a few months, being caught up in school, you forget about everything else..
Thank you again, both of you, for the prompt responses.


Personally I like the Quiet One brand of pumps. I have two of them. The Quiet One 3000 is a 780GPH pump, so that's close to what you already have, and it's less than half the price of a Mag 9.5.


A mag 9.5 is what I run but I am thinking of going with dual 9.5's in my 120 gallon but I have a 75 gallon sump lots of room