Return Pumps for a 120 reef


What would be the best size pumps to use as a return line on a 120 gallon tank with dual overflows. One of the pumps will be returning straight from the sump and to the tank while the other will be going through the chiller.
Currently on my 58 I run a Mag 950 as my return and it seems to have about the right velocity and to turn the tank over enough.
Any thoughts as to what size pumps shoudl be used on a 120?
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
First thing to think of when selecting your return pump is the flowrating of your dual overflows, and their height from the proposed return pump location.
Also take into consideration piping, turns, elbows, restrictions in the spraybar, and the size of your sump.
Your chiller should also have a recommended flowrate based on it's ideal performance.
I would start with these flowrates - then go from there.



Originally posted by broomer5
First thing to think of when selecting your return pump is the flowrating of your dual overflows, and their height from the proposed return pump location.
Also take into consideration piping, turns, elbows, restrictions in the spraybar, and the size of your sump.

I couldn't agree more with Broomer. I use a 2xMag 1200 for sump return on my 150. One goes straight up to the tank and the other goes out the window to my chiller then back up to the tank. I get most of my flow from the Amp Master 3000 on a closed loop with 2x1" Sea Swirls
Originally posted by broomer5

Your chiller should also have a recommended flowrate based on it's ideal performance.

FWIW, I found my chiller worked best at the lower recommended flow rate.


JmesMcM, I have what I believe to be the same exact tank as you. The All Glass 120 (4 X 2 X 2) with the dual overflows built in. Awesome tank by the way! I have the Amiricle wet/dry with the dual intakes to the bio-balls. My external pump is the Iwaki MD-40RXT, which was suggested by a very knowledgable fish and equiptment supplier. I forget the flow numbers of this pump, but Im sure it is published somewhere. From the pump I have a ball valve connected next(to cut down the flow a bit), then it branches off into a T where it is then sent back up the dual outflows back into the tank. I will get pics if anyone is interested.
This pump is too much for this application. It is too loud, but I guess all externals are louder than a submersable. It is warm to the touch, but not too hot. This is all I am using for water flow in the tank, it seems to be great for that. My sump is large enough for at least 3 submersable pumps, so I may go with a MagDrive pump for the main return. Right now I have the skimmer pump in there and thats it. Still plenty of room. This setup has been like this without problems for about 3 years. The pump is just loud. And I am cutting off too much of its flow with the ball valve. I suppose that if the flow was not cut down so much it would run just a bit cooler and quieter. At full flow it drains the sump.
Good Luck and ask any questions you'd like!


Bullshark, do you know what size your sump is? My sump is a 22 gallon sump and currently has the Mag950 for the chiller, return line on my 58 and mag7 for my skimmer, and a smaller powerhead for my UV.


Its actually a wet/dry, Amiracle Maxi-Reef 400. The biggest one they have. It has twin bio-ball chambers and came with two 'in the tank overflows'. I do not use them as the AGA 120 is pre-drilled and has the plumbing already. The sump side of it is really big, comapired to the other wet/drys I have had in the past. It can fit at least 3 submersible pumps in it, maybe 4. Right now I have the external Iwaki pump. The Amiracle Maxi-Reef 400 is pre-drilled for an external pump. Easy enough to plug though if I choose to go with a sub.
I am going to get a few pics right now, cause I dont know if I explained it well.....


I run two Amp Master 3000's with my 125. No noise and efficient. One returns from the sump and the other is on a closed system that goes to a canister filter then the chiller.


Bullshark, the 120 I am looking at has the same measurements butis the Oceanic Reef Ready version. I need to add a second bulkhead to my sump which is easy enough to do. Thanks for the explanation.

david s

I run 3 mak4 pumps on my 120 aga. they are nice and quiet 1 for return 1 closed loop 1 on my skimmer. for a fairly low priced pump I would recomend them