return pumps ?


Active Member
I'm having a delema. Do I go with little giant return pumps or magdrive ?
it would be the LG5.5 or the magdrive 2400. I'm trying to keep cost low which pushes me tward the MD but reputation of quality is leaning tward the LG.
Help me please.

mpls man

Active Member
depending on if you want it for efficency?
the mag drive is rated at 265 watts.
as far as the LG not sure the chart i have goes to 5-MD-SC. its rated at 225watts
IMO i would go with the LG, other people like the mag pumps.
try going under the search key to see if you can find out any more info.
good luck.


If you want to run it externally, get a real external pump... Little Giant.
The mag drive is designed to run submerged... using the surrounding water to cool itself. You can run a mag externally, but its heat dissipation is poor and shorten its lifespan.