Return Spray Bar or Non


What is the best way for the return on a sump to situated in a tank
Should you make a spray bar out of PVC
or take a piece of Pvc and just place it in with the water comming out in one area
(I know the second one doesn't give the best cirulation
but if you put powerheads in there as well as another spray bar it should be fine.
What's everyone elses opinions)


I use a modular spraybar from an external pump from the wet/dry, this goes up into the internal overflow through a bulkhead on the bottom, it is attached via flexable hosing through a 1" barb in the lower bulkhead and another barb on another bulkhead in the top side of the overflow facing the back of the tank. The modular spraybar has outlets that can be adjusted to spray in different positions through the tank, I like it alot.
You can also do a DIY spraybar out of pvc, but I just didn't like the looks of it.


There are some pics of the modular pieces in a thread here by zanemoseley, do the search for it.
How did you make your spraybar? Where to buy?
--zanemoseley --
Reef Tanks