Reverse Osmosis

who dey

Active Member
everyone should have one!! they eliminate 99% of impurities from tap water. The only way to go if you want your fish and reef to be happy:joy:


there are awesome threads about that in the saerch.....that is sometimes quicker than waiting for the back and forth.
they are almost a necessity. unless you got a walmart close bye and dont mind hauling gallon jugs around and payin .58/gallon. i will leave the indepth info for the experts. im buyin one right now and am still learning.


maybe a bit more info. they are a type of water filter that you can hook up to your water line in your home and you use them to do your weekly, or monthly water changes. they take out the impurities that you algae lives off of, and keeps a much cleaner tank. like i said im trying to leave the chemistry to the pro's.



Originally posted by WHO DEY
everyone should have one!! they eliminate 99% of impurities from tap water. The only way to go if you want your fish and reef to be happy:joy:

Yes, that is true but reverse osmosis units are more expesive than skimmers. I heard that if you want to save money you should just get one of those Brita filters that you put on the faucet. Its almost as good and its alot less expensive.:happy: :happy: :happy:


Brita is very quick.... it takes 5 minutes for a gallon. It would be quite easy w/water changes for smaller tanks.


Ok im preparing for saltwater and now i kno that it yet another thing i need. But i used to think you could just use declorifyer. Also does the reverse osmosis system add salt to the water for u?

who dey

Active Member
i guess it would work, anythings better than tap...but still not as efficient as an RO/DI because they remove sodium fluoride,cyanide, chloride,silica,bicarbonate,nitrate, magnesium chloride, nickel sulfate, copper sulfate, formaldehyde, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, urea, lactic acid, glucose sucrose, and chlorinated pesticides. 99% of all theese


Can i add salt after the reverse osmosis system has added water to the aquarium or do i put the water in a bucket then add salt then add it to the aquarium?

who dey

Active Member
if your just starting out you can add water directly into your tank, then mix your salt to 1.025sg. you will need a 20 gallon or so container to store your water for your top offs and water changes


A 20 gallon container??!!! I'd have to use a few 5 gallon buckets since i have no 20 gal containers around. And oh yeah how does the reverse osmosis system connect to your water lines of your home? do u have to cut holes in the wall?

who dey

Active Member
no it's easy it comes with a fitting that attaches to most faucets. go to home depot, i got a 30gallon rubbermaid storage tote for $5.99 comes with a lid and everything, it's perfect

who dey

Active Member
no... reverse osmosis with deionization is the purest form of water money can buy. no brita will do what an ro/di unit will


I agree if you want the proof buy a TDS meter. I had mine measured at my LFS and the TDS ( total dissolved solids) for my fridge filtered water was 134 and for my RO/DI unit it was .07. Consequently my tap was 136 so as you see those filters that claim they work don't really do all that unless your tap is really bad.


MAN A BRITA filter doesnt do much more than a your normal $30.00 tank filter. they have carbon in some mesh and thats it. ha ha ha it is funny to hear those compared to an RO/DI unit. no offence. but im the kid who had to take the toys apart to see how they worked. so i took a brita apart and they really dont have more than your normal aquarium hang on filter. a foam bag with carbon in it.
so there is a world of difference between the two. if it is time or $$ go to walmart and buy it from their RO machine. might only cost a bit more than trying to replace your brita cartridge. and it is 136 times better for your fish.
at the end of the day.........and if you are in this hobby to saty there is no better way than RO/DI. go to the big auction site and go used if the $$ is really tight.


what do i look for when i get a new unit? any brands i should look for/avoid? I have a 75g tank i am in the process of setting up when I have everything i need.