revised fish list


My majestic angal died after two years in a 75 gallon tank. I recently moved and he did not adapt well. I have been in the process of starting a new 265 for him, but will now have to rethink my fish list. Currently the 265 has a semilarvatus butterfly, regal tang, ocellaris clown and 4 green cromis. In my 75 gallon I have a yellow tang, royal gramma and ocellaris clown. I would like to add to the 265 in this order:
1. lemonpeel angel
2. royal gramma (from 75)
3. Ocellaris (from 75)
4. purple firefish
5. Kole tang
6. Naso tang
7. Yellow tang (from 75)
8. Emperor Angel
Any thoughts on this list?
Would a couple of anthias in addition to this be too much?


I think you will have too much tang in that tank, thats my opinion. I wouldnt put naso. Just yellow, kole and regal is enough BECAUSE you already have a semilarvatus and want to get an emperor angel. I wouldnt even add a kole, i would add other small colourful fish instead of naso and kole like neon gobies, shrimp gobies w/ pistol shrimp, blennies, 2 more gramma to make a harem... there lots of colourful and interesting options i think


Active Member
I agree with jwtrogan. I might also suggest looking into a type of fairy wrasse instead of the gramma of purple firefish. They are both cool fish, but stay very small and there are some incredible fairy wrasses out there.