New Member
I have a 55G tank that has been neglected for about 5-6 months now. When it was up and running I had some fish, LR and some pollopsand coral in it. The fish have been gone and the corals are gone. There are still some of the pollops, crabs and snails alive in the tank. I want to bring the system back to life but right now I am on a limitted budget. For now I want to only add some fis back into the tank but the long term plan when my funding improves I want to have a reef set up. My plan is to clean the tank up well and do a large water change and add a couple of fish but I was wondering if anyone has some suggestions as to some hardy fish I can enter that are reef friendly will survive if the tank goes thu a cycle and I do not have to try and catch later when I start to add corals? I would appreicate any input.