RFB's Motorcycle thread


Active Member
So wife came to pick up paint. With and we jointly decided on a burnt orange metallic....ok She decided and I agreed this way I can blame her if the bike looks silly when its back together.
She reminded me that if I went to crazy with the paint then with the way I ride I could be putting a huge target on the bike.
This paint is BRIGHT hard to even take pictures of since its so busy with the metallic. Still need to finish the tank and add the pearl white stripe down the center of the bike. I will do a re-assembly and mock out the lines with bike together because my little pea brain is mushy from trying to think about different design ideas.
Finished paint scheme will have approx 4inch wide stripe down center of bike from nose to tail...including the seat(s).Then 1/4inch lines outlining, similar to old muscle car hood's rally stripes. Passenger seat will be removed in favor of the single but I will still cover it to match just for when the mrs wants to come along.

some addittional goodies.....

And a CF front fender to match it together.
gotta love CF when its done right. I really should have cleaned the pipe. Its dusty but in great shape. Shouldnt be able to tell its not brand new after a light buff job.
Ordering a tripe tree set from the bay to clean up the headset. Possibly a new rear set just because they look so frickin cool.


Active Member
new tail was a PAIN IN THE NECK to fit but here is a peek.
I rotated the exhaust and turned the pipe up to match the higher tail. Removed passenger seat. Lighting is fully integrated LED.
Dont want it to look like a dirtbike but I think it is high enough.
Higher? lower?
I cropped the pic because I dont want to show entire thing untill finished. Dont want to have the thunder stolen. I need to re-buff and polish the clear and also do more fitting adjustments for everything.


Active Member
Whats wrong with the paint?
I think its looks good.. Are you going to have the bike as solid only or are you thinking of putting graphics on?
If so, you can go to tapeworks.com and find the matching graphics with that style in your with your color choice..


Missed the last track day, workin too much, hoping for the end of May. Runnin an SV650

. Savin for a Super Duke or the new Ducatti Hypermotard.


lookin good...keep the progress up...the instrument panel on my triumph daytona went out today for some reason


Active Member
Ok this is the current paint scheme.
Just cant decide on white stripe or black stripe down the center. So naturally I chose to just ride the Bejezuz out of it until I can decide.



Active Member
just getting some feedback from the peanut gallery..........
Would anodizing the parts all orange be a good thing or just too much?
Friend suggested this for a set of logos. It is being considered


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Ok this is the current paint scheme.
Just cant decide on white stripe or black stripe down the center. So naturally I chose to just ride the Bejezuz out of it until I can decide.

I think black stripes...
I would polish the frame and polish or chrome the swing arm.
It looks like the rims are polished with black in middle... I like that.
I would probably polish/chrome your rear and front sets, with the actual pegs done in an andonized orange.
I'd do the clutch/brake in a polish or chrome with the bar ends in the orange.
also check out www.tapeworks.com... you could also match the paint scheme with custom factory stickers/graphics
i love the burnt orange, i told my husband when he gets back i want him to get his bike painted that color. his is a gsxr 600 silver and our son loves transformers so we let him pick out decals to put on it and he picked, transformers of course so autobot on the front and decipticon on the back
the only pic i have of it right now is him driving and our neighbor riding bitch.


I would do black, chrome, or a brushed aluminum stripe. Ill get back with you prolly tomorrow on the pm you sent me. I like the Idea.


Pictures of motorcycles=good
Pictures of motorcycles and half n aked models=Not so much good... 1Journeyman


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains

Its on sale, Should I trade my in my Corvette and get something thats more "sporty"?
Was searching for some paintjob ideas and this thing came up. Yes it is serious, and a real kit someone made. I can only assume they will be using body filler and skinning the entire kit but this was so awesome I had to share it.
hey don't know my mom's car! Talk about a meximobile.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KrautBurner
looks good
here's my VFR (I traded her in on Tuesday)

and here's my brother's current project
1973 Yamaha RD350

I love the older bikes with the kick starts. You see so many that are just old hunks of junk but when you see a clean one they stand out nicley. The solo cowl is great.
Your brother has a beautiful bike.
As for the Kawi, they make such bold statements, but the Concours does show promise. Most poke fun at it as a dressed down Goldwing but I am interested in hearing first hand how they handle compared to the rest of thier bracket.
The BWM line up has long been the king of touring but with so many watered down stats they have almost no apeal to me. The Kawi should blow them away. Price, performance, and parts. I am eager to see the longevity of kawi trying to break into what would normally be considered a locked market.
No one buys a touring bike to compete with Busa's on straight line fighting. They dont buy them to twist up against an R6 in the moutnians either. They go touring because they really plan on logging tons of miles and want comfort without sacrificing to much ability.
Keep us posted in how it handles. I am very interested in hearing about its abilities.



Originally Posted by KrautBurner
Pictures of motorcycles=good
Pictures of motorcycles and half n aked models=Not so much good... 1Journeyman

- 1Journeyman
WTF !!!!
Editing my post
the photo is a standard motorcycle add
it's in almost every motorcycle magazine out there


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
As for the Kawi, they make such bold statements, but the Concours does show promise. Most poke fun at it as a dressed down Goldwing but I am interested in hearing first hand how they handle compared to the rest of thier bracket...
Keep us posted in how it handles. I am very interested in hearing about its abilities.

I picked up the Kawi a couple weeks ago,
rode home in the rain, about 70 miles
went out the next day, did about 150 miles of 2 lane winding roads and backroads.
got home, the toes of both my boots were scraped up from dragging on the ground
and my "chicken strips" were almost gone (3/8" left and 5/8" right)
and that's just the first day out.
never felt like i was pushing the bike (or myself) too hard
the bike is super neutral
and the power is silky smooth
no problem keeping up with my roommate on his VFR or our friend on a FZ1 (semi tricked out)
this past weekend I logged just under 1K miles
I went from seattle, wa to Roseburg, Or (just under 400 miles) did some tooling around down in orygun then came back
the bike is great out on the highway.
just gotta be carefull to not give in to temptation and crack her open