rhinopias questions


hi everyone. so im pretty much maxed out on my tank
but i am starting a reef tank in my 36 gallon tank i have running in my basement. so my question is: could i possibly but a rhinopias specimen in my tank, preferably a frondosa?


(72 gallon btw) i just thought they cool wanted one but i guess not they r like one of the most spectacular looking fish i hav seen. cud i put i but a frogfish in the 36?


***********.com says only like 20 theyr usually inaccurate though. i know frondosa gets like 9 inches the guy at the lfs said it wud b best to keep two females and one male in a 75 gallon he said when kept with males they get a nice hump on them ???? i dont really know much


Active Member
Ummmm... I have a frondosa in a 40g cube. If you can handle the water quality, it'll do fine in there.


are they hard to take care of or generally easy? i also heard they were expensive, but i think it is worth it. they are gorgeous


Active Member
I have won my money back with photo contests of one of the frondosas..... they are very beautiful indeed and worth the money. We have now bought 3 but lost one to a stupid accident.
The eschy was hard to get to frozen. One of the frondosas was easy and the other medium. So, I believe pretty much all can be taught in time.
Other than training they are undemanding. Just don't let water quality get out of control or they can go off their food.


Active Member
They won't go up in the rockwork where the corals are. You have to make sure you give them enough substrate to move around on and keep corals off the substrate and stinging corals out of reach.


ok i plan on using a fine substrate anyway so ill make sure he has a lot of room. the lfs also said they were extremely poisonous. were u ever stung??


Your LFS is mistaken. Rhinos are actually fairly far down on the list in terms of toxicity...add to that, the fact that they have long, thin, flexible dorsal spines which make it fairly hard to get poked.
Neither Renee nor I have ever been stung by any of our venomous fish (not even during the move).
That being said, our Eschmeyeri decided I was too close while cleaning the tank and it gave me a warning not to get any closer.


OMG U OWN LIONFISHLAIR.COM haha i didnt even realize wow thats cool im a big fan of ur 100 gallon tank with the lion and the two rhinopias so anyway wud the frondosa be ok in a 36 gallon corner tank with corals?


Active Member
Ya, that's our fish on that site. Thanks! There should be some big updates coming up where we will soon start collecting again.
We had 2 Rhinopias in a 40 gallon.... a single in a 36 gallon with some substrate real estate should be fine. Just watch water quality, of course.
Will you be ordering the fish online or from an LFS?


hopefully special order from the lfs. im good friends with him and he usually gives me fish wholesale. this wont b for a little while becuz the tank isnt set up yet. i wont have to cycle becuz im taking reef water from the lfs which is fabulous i think, and then once the parameters are stable i will hopefully b purchasing one!


Active Member
Originally Posted by antwon http:///forum/thread/381391/rhinopias-questions#post_3322233
hopefully special order from the lfs. im good friends with him and he usually gives me fish wholesale. this wont b for a little while becuz the tank isnt set up yet. i wont have to cycle becuz im taking reef water from the lfs which is fabulous i think, and then once the parameters are stable i will hopefully b purchasing one!

Just so you know, there is little bacteria that lives in the water column. This means it won't help much, if at all, with the cycle. The most important things to help with cycling (IMO) live rock and sand. The live rock and sand provide the surface for the bacteria to live and populate. Filtration has its role as well.