ribbon eel growth rate?


I have a juvenile ribbon eel, so naturally, he's black. Does anyone know at what point he will turn blue?
Any other advice is more than welcome too! I know feeding is to be a challenge, so give me a yell!
(Rhinomuraena quaesita)


Ribbon Eels escape tanks. I am sooo mad at myself for leaving the back of my tank top open. I havnt been this depressed in as long as I can remember - seriously. I cant %@*#&ing believe I let myself allow a fish to die. Its bad enough when a fish dies of normal reasons, but when they die of my stupidity its just enrages me.
Please, please if you have an eel or octopus, seal your tank completely. Im going to be in mourning for days. <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" />