

I just picked up 3 more Riccordea for $7.50!!!! I thought that was good. I have three red one now. the LFS told me that they will not split in captivity. is this true?


Active Member
where in the heck did you find red ricordea for that price? thats amazing. that is untrue that they will not divide in captivity. i have had several specimens divide on me in my tank, and if you think about it, th emajority of th epolyps offered for sale are all captive propagated anyway!
good luck, got any pics?
let me know if you wanna part with any of em:) :D ;) !

mr . salty

Active Member
Don't know about the red ones,,,But my neon green ones have split many times...
Seems odd that the green will,but the reds will not...


Aquarium Adventure. One of the few things they have that is not extremely overpriced. tell me about your tank!


Sorry no pics. I originally had the red ones. they were like three for $20. The ones from today ($7.50) are a sky blue almost with purple centers. There are 4 of them



Originally posted by MrMaroon
Aquarium Adventure. One of the few things they have that is not extremely overpriced. tell me about your tank!

Haven't heard of it. Where is it located? What city? I have a 125 High, Acrylic. Just getting it set up. I have a DIY sump/refugium, and protein skimmer. The sump and refugium I sank into a countertop in the next room. Two 1" overflows run through the wall, into a 2" "Y", then through the wall and into the sump. A Mag 12 supplies the return. Protein Skimmer is a 4 foot cross current, air driven skimmer. I have 100 lbs. of Tufa Rock, base rock, and so far 40 lbs of Live Rock. Putting 40 more lbs. in shortly. Only critters so far are all the crabs, shrimp, etc. that came in with the rock. Currently getting the lighting together and lengthening my acrylic canopy from 8" high to 15" high to allow room for the MH and fans. Been getting it together for the last month or so. Hope to have some stock in it before Christmas.