ricordea and gorgonian


Active Member
i found on c-list a guy selling 3 ricordeas and 2 encrusting gorgonians.
the ricordeas are $20 a piece and the gorgonians are $30 each.
i have never had either and am trying to research then this morning before i call.
i got different readings on the ricordeas one says they wont bother other corals and the other says they will?
the gorgonians i would have to go see since it seems they come in all kinds of shapes and colors to know what he has.
i have plenty of mh lighting for them .
anyone keep either one and how hardy are they.from reading are the ricordeas an anenome or mushroom?
are gorgonians more of a sponge you cant let hit the air?
how hardy are they?
i figure i would post here and go back to google research.


Active Member
Phylum Cnidaria: Phylum Cnidaria: Stinging-celled animals. Anemones, corals, sea fans, jellyfishes, sea pens... Polyps and/or medusae stages
Class Anthozoa:
Class Anthozoa: Polyp stage only, stomach divided in numerous compartments.
Sub-Class Zoantharia
(Hexacorallia): More than eight and multiples of six tentacles.
Order Corallimorpharia:
Coral anemones. Solitary or colonial, flattened mushroom-like anemones. Short, stubby tentacles radially arranged. Look like true corals, but lack skeletons. About ten families. Most common genera Actinodiscus, Ricordea, Corynactis, Rhodactis, Amplexidiscus. (the last two can eat unwary fishes... commonly clowns) Individual polyps 1 inch to 1 foot across.
The encrusting gorgonia are normally photosynthetic and the easier to care for. Won't hurt them to hit the air. Very hardy.
Ricordea for the most part don't like to be hit with strong lighting. Bottom of the tank with metal halides for best color IME.


Active Member
just got back a little while ago with the corals.
how is this for a deal
10 ricordeas 5 orange 3 blue and two not sure of the color.
a 6 by 6 inch rock with yellow polyps all over it
a 10 lb. rock with looks to be encrusting polyps not sure yet it is covered 6 by 8 inches .
and 5 or 6 other small quater sized rocks with assorted coloed polyps.
i didnt see gorgonian but still need to get them in the tank to id.
$200 thought it was a steal.
only problem is i saw a few aptasia onthe rocks.
might go to the lfs for a couple peppermint shrimp tomarrow.
i love c-list


Sounds good. IMO I would purchase Aiptasia X or Joe's Juice over the peppermint shrimp.
Unless of course you just want to have peppermint shrimp.
They may or may not eat the Aiptasia.


Originally Posted by TruPerc
Sounds good. IMO I would purchase Aiptasia X or Joe's Juice over the peppermint shrimp.
Unless of course you just want to have peppermint shrimp.
They may or may not eat the Aiptasia.
what is joes juice, and where do you get it?
Also...if you use lemon juice...do you boil it first???? and how much do you need?


Active Member
i had aptasia but it wasa long time ago .man,it spread to over 100 of them i bought a few peppermint shrimp and they ate them all up.
even some pretty big ones.
i have a couple cleaner shrimp in there now i dont think they will have a problem together.
seeing there is only a few on the rocks i might try the juice first but seems if i cannot see one they will always be in there.
the ones i saw were pretty small.
i went to this guys house to see what he had for me.
very nice older guy in a wheelchair with a fake leg.
i didnt even bother trying to talk the price down since i was getting a steal already.he has a sweet 29 gallon cube reef with a custom stand and canopy his friend made .
i got home and there was more than i thought.
4 6 inch rocks with polyps the big 10 lb with the encrusted and all the ricordeas.
sweet deal and hard to find eneough places to fit it all.
couldnt be happier.


Active Member
Don't boil the lemon juice.
Have you tried boiling water?
You can also go get some Mrs. Wages pickling lime at the grocery store. Make a heavy slurry turn off all flow. Inject the buggers with the slurry.


Originally Posted by spanko
Don't boil the lemon juice.
Have you tried boiling water?
You can also go get some Mrs. Wages pickling lime at the grocery store. Make a heavy slurry turn off all flow. Inject the buggers with the slurry.
I wasn't sure about the lemon juice...that's why I asked...lol
pickling lime will work??? hmmm
we used boiled water....lol...anemone seems bigger
...I can not put hands in tank...damsels eat them..
Husband must do this for me...we only tried the one time though....by next week...this should all be history..


Originally Posted by meowzer
I wasn't sure about the lemon juice...that's why I asked...lol
pickling lime will work??? hmmm
we used boiled water....lol...anemone seems bigger
...I can not put hands in tank...damsels eat them..
Husband must do this for me...we only tried the one time though....by next week...this should all be history..

I forgot you do not have a LFS. I would go with Spanko's suggestion if your grocery store carries pickling lime.


Active Member
went down to see the rocks and a couple of the polyps have opened already.
i will get some pics up tomarrow if they open up for me.
also after almost 4 weeks back in my 225 fowlf tank after battling ich for 3 rounds the f'ing ich is back.
5 weeks of 1.008 hypo and 6 weeks of nothing in my dt.
what the hell is going on?