Ricordea help...just got some


I just got some ricordea, having a hard time getting it to stay...One of my rocks had a nice hole in it...put it there..I worrie the head came off. The center of the ricordea now has a hole in it, thats what it looks like anyway. I think I saw something come off it...should it be ok? Just dont know much about mushrooms. Are they normally slimy? How could I get it to stay on the rock...I have 2 of them. The pic below has the one with the hole im worried about (bottom left corner ricordea) Let me know if you think it should be ok. Sorry about the bad pic..


I just did some reading..its his mouth that looks like its gone. It may not be. The thing that I read didnt talk much about that, however, it did say that they slim a lot at first...


Active Member
The slime is there because they are stressed out. They are quite hardy and will most likly be normal within a day or so, provided your water is level and you acclimated properly.