Ricordea Hitchhiker???


Active Member
so i dont have a pic, but i think that my 9 dollar polyp of green ricordea came with a orange zoo on it.....im not sure though, but its really orange....will it die from the ricordea?


Active Member
ok everyon and one more thing?? what should i do with this ? just let it go and hope its ok? i have also set low in the tank and its only a 55 gallon and i have 2 actinics and 2 175 watt MH


I'm not sure if the ricordea will kill it or not, but they both seem to be fully opened. If you want it to colonize faster, I'd definitely frag the zoa off the disk or whatever the ric is on, and attach it to something else. Since it's just one polyp, it shouldn't be hard to peel it up by it's foot, or break off the piece of the frag disk it's on. Those disks crumble really easily.


Active Member
aw man idk how to do those things.....i would, but im not expert and they seem to be living together quite okay so far, so ill just keep an eye on it, its a beautiful Zoo though!