Ricordea question


New Member
HI, I am new to the hobby and just bought 2 orange Ricordea polyps. I was wondering if they will un-attach themselves from the piece of rock that they came on or do i have to glue the rock down? Can I remove them without hurting them ?



Active Member
It really helps to have a pc. of the rock they are attached to so that you can glue the rock where you want it to be.
Can you show us a picture so that we can help to devise a plan?


How big are the peices of rock the ric came on? When I got mine the peices of rock it was attached to were tiny. So I just placed it on a larger rock that had a divot in the face. I didn't "glue" it and it only took a day or two for the ric to attach itself. I just placed it in a spot where there was less flow. Hope this helped