RICORDEA YUMA (how much they worth??)


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fishieness said:
Originally Posted by puffer32
they are ricordrias.... ricordira yumma
Ricordria yumma are the ones that have the bumps going all the way up the mouths, and if you look closely you will see that the ones in the pics do, as well as the ones originaly posted. You are thinkign of ricordria florida as the ones without the bumps along the mouths. These are often also only one-two colors, and less scattered in color.
First one is a pic of my flo ric when i first got it, its much bigger now. 2nd pic is what i was told is a ric mushroom (one on far right). Both rics were 20.00. They look different then the posters pic, his have larger bumps going up to the mouth, and around here, they go for big bucks. They may all be ric yummas, but from what i have seen, the ones with the larger bumps going to the mouth are more costly.
No expert here, just what i have observed in my area, can be way off base here
I would show you a pic of more expensive rics, but i don't have any
Maybe someday...........



Active Member
puffer32 said:
Originally Posted by fishieness
First one is a pic of my flo ric when i first got it, its much bigger now. 2nd pic is what i was told is a ric mushroom (one on far right). Both rics were 20.00. They look different then the posters pic, his have larger bumps going up to the mouth, and around here, they go for big bucks. They may all be ric yummas, but from what i have seen, the ones with the larger bumps going to the mouth are more costly.
No expert here, just what i have observed in my area, can be way off base here
I would show you a pic of more expensive rics, but i don't have any
Maybe someday...........

yes, the first ones are ricordria florida, the second ones look like a rhodactic species like a bullseye way more than a ricordria IMO. But you are right, the floridas have the bumbs that are more evenly sized, while the yummas are more sporatic and have the bumpbs going all the way up to the mouth. as far as cost, it would depend wher eyou buy them and what type they are. the pink and orange flower yummas go for a LOT of money usualy. between 50-150 bucks form what i have seen. But ive recieved a purple yumma with green bumps on it for 10 bucks form a fellow reefer. yummas are, however, more expensive, although some colors are very cheap, such as brown ones. (they also look like cat barf. lol)


Active Member
Ok, I understand what you are saying, I guess the high colored flower yumas are what i see going for so much money. But you gotta admit they are gorgous! So my other ones are like a bullseye? In the pic i posted, they look dingy brownish (sorta like cat puke lol) but they are actually a nice pinkish color with yellow mouths. I was told they were rics. Are the ones the first poster showed pics of flower rics? I think they are really beautiful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Ok, I understand what you are saying, I guess the high colored flower yumas are what i see going for so much money. But you gotta admit they are gorgous! So my other ones are like a bullseye? In the pic i posted, they look dingy brownish (sorta like cat puke lol) but they are actually a nice pinkish color with yellow mouths. I was told they were rics. Are the ones the first poster showed pics of flower rics? I think they are really beautiful.
the first ones are the flower ric. yumma.
yours looked like bullseye at first, but the more i look, the more i belive that they might be ricordria. i have seen a lot that look like that under lower lighting conditions. if you have a close up id be able to give you a positive ID probably.


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I will get a better pic of my shroom later, that one was taken after my main lights were out for awhile. Thanks!


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fishieness, this is the best pic i could get, can't really see the bumps in this pic, but you can see the colors alittle better. what do you think it is?


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Originally Posted by puffer32
fishieness, this is the best pic i could get, can't really see the bumps in this pic, but you can see the colors alittle better. what do you think it is?

once again, it is hard to tell because of the pic. but it does look like some nice color is forming there! The bumps on the side so look like a ric. But you cant really see the pumps in the center. the bumps on the side make me believe that it is a ricordria under lower lighting conditions or at least one taht needs a small amount of TLC. However, it it a little hard to tell without a clearer pic, it is possible that it is a rhodactis species.
let me get a few pics for you to compare them too yourself


Active Member
here are some comparison pics:
here is a rhodactis sp. looks like a hairy:
with all the different pictures above, you will see why i am hesitent to come out with a 100% ID on this one. all of these species, ricordria, yumma, and different rhodactis all have the bumps or extentions off of the side of the coral. so without a clearer pic, you cant really tell what it is.
HOWEVER, if i had to make a guess, based on color, and the look of the bumps coming off the sides, i would estimate that it is a ricordria yumma. however, i cannot be sure. anyone else have an opinion?
Note to Mods: the lone picture that i posed taht was nor from SWF.com is not hosted by a site that sells corals, or one that advertises the sales of corals or other equiptment


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Well based on the pics you posted, my guess is the hairy mushroom. The yumas seem to have larger bumps then my mushroom has, its actually one of 3, the one I posted being the largest. I actually have some decent lighting (T5's) its more my camera then anything that doesn't show off the mushroom at all.
Thanks, you have been most helpful!


Active Member
okay. glad that you figured it out and i was able to minorly contribute. i love hairies, i have a few green ones with purple tips in my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
okay. glad that you figured it out and i was able to minorly contribute. i love hairies, i have a few green ones with purple tips in my tank.
Got a recent pic of your shrooms?