Ricordia - light shock


I have a 75 Gallon with one 96w daylight and one 96w actinic power compact. I moved a rock of ricordia from the bottom of the tank to about half way up the tank. Some seemed to be doing btter, while others seemed to be doing worse. I've had some die on me now. They are back on the bottom as of last night.
192 watts of PC light. Is that enough to shock a mushroom by moving it up 9 inches in the water?


Active Member
what are your water parameters and what is your flow like? is it different than what you have at the top and bottom?


Active Member
yeah, ricordias r pretty tough. i dont think one can kill it by moving them from the bottom to the middle of their tank. its gotta be something else. i know mine likes lights and medium flow.


i had an experience once where a power head got shifted and was aimed at a ricordea. the high flow killed it.


Active Member
Must be yumas? A fairly new colony? They don't like being moved too much. I can't imagine that moving FL ricordias would kill any off. I have dropped rocks on them only to have them mashed, split apart and regrow, left them out of the water for 24hrs with only a little moisture on them, blasted them with light, had them taken down into a pistols den for weeks only to emerge in fine shape.
Yumas on the other hand don't like high flow or being mucked with too much.


Nope, no good. I just put more light in the tank. Now I'm running 400 watts PC. I think it's something else.