Ricordia not growing ?


About 2 months ago I got my first 2 corals from swf.com. Both are the Florida Ricordia kind. I know they're not the most interesting corals but I just wanted to see if I could keep corals. I'm dosing the tank weekly with Seachem's Reefbuilder, Calcium, Reef Complete, Reef Plus, and Reef Advantage Strontium. I target feed the rics (along with my peppermint shrimp ) with cyclop-eeze soaked in Vita-chem twice a week. My only problem is they haven't grown at all. What am I not doing ? This is annoying the hell out me.
Should I get some phytoplankton ( and if so which one ) ? Or maybe shrimp, and if so which one brine or mysid; frozen, flake, or freeze dried. If anyone could pass on some of their superior knowledge to me on this subject, I would greatly appreciate. This is a hurdle I need to get past, so I can actuallly get some more corals in the tank.
And Before you ask
55 gallon Display:
2 false percs
2 blue damsels
2 yellowtail damsels
1 Coral Beauty
40 lbs. live rock
2 inches of crushed coral top with 1" of reef sand bed
130 watt pc with 2 23" 50/50 bulbs
20 gal refugium
2 " live sand
thank you in advance


sometimes they take a while to grow, but I've never actually seen mine eat cyclop-eeze, they do love mysid shrimp though... :)


Active Member
by trying too remove it from a rock. it ripped then grew huge and is doing tons better than it used to. makes u go: DOING OK THE I RIPPED IT AND NOW IT GROWS A TON AFTER 4 MONTHS OF STAYING THE SAME AND NOW IT IS DOING AWSOME. wth is wrong with my tank :notsure:


i was just trying to make sense of what you were trying to say... i think you need to brush up on those typing skills


Well I bought some Kent Micro-Vert and some frozen brine. The brine did the trick because it was the first time I actually saw them "eat " , which is a trip.