Ricordia Question


Hello I got 2 small rics yesterday and attached them to a rock using superglue gel. Is this ok? They seem to be doing fine so far. Thanks


Active Member
u were able to superglue shrooms to the rock? there is a chance it will detach from the rock if they dont like the spot.


So then do u just let them float around till they find a spot? They are really small right now so i am afraid they will go in the overflow or in powerheads.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CDubbs
So then do u just let them float around till they find a spot? They are really small right now so i am afraid they will go in the overflow or in powerheads.
No, what I'd do is put the rock in some sort of mesh bag. So if they do float they can't go anywhere.
I saw an awesome picture ethe other day of this but I can't remember where now...


Active Member
I would really secure them somehow, until you know for certain that they have actually attached. Do you have a spot in the tank that has a very low flow area....this is where I would put them for a few days. Don't necessarily worry about the lighting right now, they are really at this point getting use to your parameters, etc. You can always move them later. Your main interest is to make sure they don't float away, or attach to a rock in the back of the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CDubbs
So then do u just let them float around till they find a spot? They are really small right now so i am afraid they will go in the overflow or in powerheads.
These are way more expensive than your typical mushroom, do not let them just roam around, they may not even make it....they tend to be more fragile than the typical mushroom. This is why they take much more time to reproduce than the discosoma's, etc. Secure them somehow, until they are fully attached to the rock, or shell.