Do you have any corals or anything in the tank that you dont want to disturb? If not, here's what we did: During a water change session I kept the first bucket of water and transferred some to a clean tub (sterilte or whatever) that could accomodate the largest piece of LR we had. Then began to remove each pc and scrub the algae off with a new toothbrush and rinse it in whatever was left in the bucket and place it back in the tank. At some point the scrub water will get nasty and have to be dumped and replaced with water from the bucket and start the cycle over again. Of course, you'll have to have plenty of new water for replacement and you may not be able to accomplish it all at one time. I did it at least twice and I believe once the bulk of the algae has been removed the snails (we have Astreas) and hermits were able to keep the new growth in check. We havent had a hair algae problem since, been about a year now. If you need more details let me know. Just a suggestion and I agree that you shouldnt count on the snails to take care of the problem, they should be thought of as preventative maintenance. There will always be algae in the tank. Good luck!
Oh, and BTW, we dont run a refugium, but we do keep a red macro algae growing in the tank to help. When it gets bushy, I trim it.