we've had our reef tank for 14 months now. we get ro/di water from lfs in the area for water changes and top offs. when i do water changes, i add the salt, check the salinity with a refractometer, put in a heater and a pump then let it sit for at least 24 hours, double check temp & salinity before changing 10g for our 90g tank. our ph is usually around 7.8/7.9. corals & fish have done fine. i wondered why our ph was never at 8.3, so i tested the ro/di water and the ph of that was low. after the salt was added, heated & circulated for 24 hours, the ph tests at 7.8. 2 months ago, i started adding ph buffer to the ro/di water before adding it to the tank. we have 130# of live rock, 3" of aragonite sand, a good skimmer, filter sock changed out 2x/week, lights are on timers. what else can i do to raise and keep ph at 8.3 besides adding buffer? i have a powdered buffer that needs to be dissolved in fresh water and also kent buffer and kent calcium. neither seems to make a difference overall. i don't have the stats with me, but i know that our calcium, alk, nitrate/trite, amm and salinity are all in the very good range and have been stable there for over a year.