riddle me this...


the other night i thought i saw a nudibranch on the glass. since i've never put one in on purpose, i took a flashlight to get a better look. Turns out it was an astrea snali without its shell. I found the shell but i haven't seen the snail since. I don't really expect him to be alive, but has anyone ever heard of this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
Are you sure what you saw wasn't a Stomatella snail? :D
I would like to second that question, but I have heard of hermits ripping snails from their shells to get a new home and deciding they didn't like it. There is about a 99% chance the snail is dead if that is in fact what happend.


update - it's been without a shell for at least a week now and i just saw it crawling around the overflow. here in colorao they have a festival in some hick town out near utah called the "Mike the Headless Chicken Festival." They clebrate mike, a chicken who lived 2 years after his head was chopped off back in the 40s. (For real, check this out) I propose once a year, members of this board gather to celbrate... drumroll please... Chanucy, the Shell-less Astrea Snail!