Riddle Me This!



I gotta get em in early, I have to take some students to an engineering comp. at 7:00am tomorrow.


I completely sympathize. I coach a kids hockey team and we have a double header on Sunday morning starting at 7 am. I can't believe they don't pay me for this. 7 am on a Sunday! :mad:


Funny thing about riddles is I can always figure em out but don't remeber them enough to retell. The ones I do remember are too long- like the fox, chicken, and bag of grain.


Originally Posted by Mimzy
what can travel all around the world, but still stay in a corner?
a stamp
If you break me,
I do not stop working.
If you touch me,
I may be snared.
If you lose me,
Nothing will matter.
What am I?


Active Member
yup! right about the postage stamp!
What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
... a dish towel?


Originally Posted by Mimzy
yup! right about the postage stamp!
What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
... a dish towel?
yup.....i would have also accepted towel...lol


A Cowboy rides into a small country town on Friday, he stays 1 week and leaves on Wednesday.
How is this possible ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by pbienkiewi
A Cowboy rides into a small country town on Friday, he stays 1 week and leaves on Wednesday.
How is this possible ?
i guess you didn't see the one already about this!!
Friday is the name of the Horse


Originally Posted by bs21
If you break me,
I do not stop working.
If you touch me,
I may be snared.
If you lose me,
Nothing will matter.
What am I?
A heart?


Active Member
Originally Posted by pbienkiewi
A Cowboy rides into a small country town on Friday, he stays 1 week and leaves on Wednesday.
How is this possible ?
The cowboy lost track of time.


JUST A FEW 10 LETTER WORDS I CAN THINK OF :) aardwolves abacterial abandoners abandoning abasements abashments abatements abbreviate abdicating abdication abdicators abducentes abductions abductores aberrances aberrantly aberration abeyancies abhorrence abiogenist abjections abjectness abjuration ablatively abnegating abnegation abnegators abnormally abolishers abolishing abolitions abominable abominably abominated abominates abominator aboriginal aborigines abortively aboveboard abrasively abreacting abreaction abridgment abrogating abrogation abruptions abruptness abscessing abscission absconders absconding absolutely absolutest absolution absolutism absolutist absolutive absolutize absorbable absorbance absorbancy absorbants absorbency absorbents absorption absorptive abstainers abstaining abstemious abstention absterging abstinence abstracted abstracter abstractly abstractor abstricted abstrusely abstrusest abstrusity absurdisms absurdists absurdness abundances abundantly academical academisms acanthuses acaricidal acaricides accelerant accelerate accentless accentuate acceptable acceptably acceptance acceptedly accessible accessibly accessions accidences accidental accidently accipiters acclaimers acclaiming acclimated acclimates accomplice accomplish accordance accordions accoucheur accountant accounting accoutered accoutring accredited accretions accruement accumulate accuracies accurately accursedly accusation accusative accusatory accusingly accustomed acephalous acerbating acerbities acetabular acetabulum acetamides acetanilid acetifying


SORRY I MEANT 7 LETTER WORDS< TO ANWSER THAT ONE QEUSTION FOR A FEW BACK :) :) :)aarrghh abalone abandon abasers abashed abashes abasias abasing abaters abating abators abattis abaxial abaxile abbotcy abdomen abduced abduces abducts abelian abelias abettal abetted abetter abettor abeyant abfarad abhenry abiders abiding abigail ability abioses abiosis abiotic abjured abjurer abjures ablated ablates ablauts ablings abluent abluted aboding abolish abollae abomasa abomasi aborted aborter abought aboulia aboulic abounds abraded abrader abrades abreact abreast abridge abroach abrosia abscess abscise abscond abseils absence absents absinth absolve absorbs abstain absurds abubble abulias abusers abusing abusive abuttal abutted abutter abvolts a
atts abysmal abyssal abysses acacias academe academy acajous acaleph acanthi acapnia acarids acarine acaroid acaudal acceded acceder accedes accents accepts accidia accidie acclaim accords accosts account accrete accrual accrued accrues accurst accusal accused accuser accuses acedias acequia acerate acerber acerbic acerola acerose acerous acetals acetate acetify acetins acetone acetose acetous acetyls achenes achiest achieve achiote acholia acicula acidify acidity aciform acinose acinous aclinic acmatic acnodes acolyte aconite acquest


Active Member
The cowboy rode his horse "friday" into town last week wednesday...
Key...better "re-read" the riddle... :thinking:


Active Member
Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them...There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day.