rifle question

No I don't spend any time at AR-15.com.
I love my CAR, I carried one when I was an RTO - 1st ranger bat.
I once hit a moving target at 500 yards with it:eek: ...Not with one shot though.
Having shot literally thousands of rounds through the government model, I am fairly proficient with one. So I built one.
Mine is not fully automatic, other than for wasitng someone elses ammo, auto's suck. But they are lotsa fun.
They are not much good for home defense (shoot through walls, cars, neighbors houses, SWF tanks, etc), Not all that accurate(300 yards is about max), Not good for hunting (weigh about as much as a high powered rifle with a scope, but with a tiny bullet).
But damn it is sexy.
And scares the hell out of those damn frenchmen.:D


Active Member
Keep preachin! I like to check out 37MM.com now and then. Its dedicated to 37MM launchers attatched to any weapon.
You can build the one that I have for less than $600
Do a web search for "AR-15 parts kits" I bought mine from model one sales , I think. Cost is about 400-500. Maybe $425.
This is everything but the lower receiver.
The lower receiver is the part with the serial # and can only be purchased from a licensed dealer. It should cost about $100.
Make sure the upper receiver comes with the barrel attached already, because that requires a special wrench and "calibration"
Not something that should be attempted by the novice.
But I still think that a shotgun would be your best bet.
The AR is nice to look at an hold, but its like the model girlfriend that is a

. Not good for much else but looking at, and expensive to play with.
For $600, you can buy a used Weatherby rifle with a nice scope.
For $400 dollars you can buy a remington auto shotgun and $200 for the tank.
BTW, new jersey has the Assault weapons ban in effect at the state level ( i believe)
If that is so, youre outta luck.
An ar-15 will get you more time than a pound of coke.


Has anyone actually shot the S&M .50 cal pistol Watched my dad shoot it at the target range( he is a firearms instructor for police officers in my town and is very knowledgable of various firearms) He said it wouldnt hurt his feelings if he never shot a .50 cal pistol again!