Right kind of Clam!?!


I'm looking into getting a couple of clams. Is there any basic information such as needs (lighting, feeding) that I need to know? Which types are usually hardiest? Any info would be great appreciated! :)


They need lots of light. They also requiregood water quality. They need lots of CA and strontium too. I would recomend getting a Tridacna derasa to start. They are usually brown or golden, they have no scutes on their shell, and their shell is able to completly close (gigas is simalar but can't completely close its shell). I would NOT recommend going out and getting a blue calm to start. These require more and there is a greater gamble in price :) .


What do you mean by "lots of light?" We currently have a 55 gallon aquarium with 50-50 45 watt bulb and 50-50 110 watt power compacts. Would we need much more light than this? Also...what's CA?


Active Member
Maximas and Croceas need Metal Halide lighting. Your tank would need 2-175watt MH at least to support Maximas or Croceas for them to thrive. You should be fine with Deresas. Your water must be very good also, meaning 0.5ppm phosphates Max. and Calcium of at least 380ppm.