Right track?


I have just started back into saltwater after a number of years off. I have a 42 gallon stretch hex and housing both some corals and fish.
If you experts don't mind reviewing my set-up and making any suggestions, they would be welcome.
For filtration I am using a Flugal 205 to polish the water, a protein skimmer, and about 50lbs of live rock. I have 2 pretty strong powerheads and a weak one which I use to break the surface.
I have a 36" 96 watt double bulb light and a 30" 24 watt.
Livestock: 1) a 3" sebae clown and a large bubble-tip anemone 2) a 3" blue tang 3) a 2" naso tang 3) a small damsel 4) a watcher gobie 5) a copper-band butterfly (small)
Corals 1) 2 gorgian patches on some rocks 2) a large lemon leather 3) a small lemon leather 3) a toadstool leather, and some assorted "stinging" corals (jade tree?) 4) bubble coral
Again, any suggestions are welcome!


Originally Posted by tj51
I have just started back into saltwater after a number of years off. I have a 42 gallon stretch hex and housing both some corals and fish.
If you experts don't mind reviewing my set-up and making any suggestions, they would be welcome.
For filtration I am using a Flugal 205 to polish the water, a protein skimmer, and about 50lbs of live rock. I have 2 pretty strong powerheads and a weak one which I use to break the surface.
I have a 36" 96 watt double bulb light and a 30" 24 watt.
Livestock: 1) a 3" sebae clown and a large bubble-tip anemone 2) a 3" blue tang 3) a 2" naso tang 3) a small damsel 4) a watcher gobie 5) a copper-band butterfly (small)
Corals 1) 2 gorgian patches on some rocks 2) a large lemon leather 3) a small lemon leather 3) a toadstool leather, and some assorted "stinging" corals (jade tree?) 4) bubble coral
Again, any suggestions are welcome!
Here are some things I see you may wish to do a little further research on.
Unless I am mistaken both of your lights would be considered PC lighting. Your bubble tip anemone is going to need stronger lighting I believe.
Now for the tricky part. In your stock list you mention you have a Blue Hippo and Naso Tang. Both are beautiful fish but really need to be housed in a bigger aquarium as they grow to be large sized. Be aware there may be some who would criticize you for having these two fish. Do a search for "Tang Police" and you will see what I mean. I would consider selling them back to the LFS but in the end that would be up to you.
Other than that it sounds like you are off to a really good start. Would be good to see some pictures over in the Fish Photography section of your set up.


Originally Posted by tj51
I have just started back into saltwater after a number of years off. I have a 42 gallon stretch hex and housing both some corals and fish.
Livestock: 1) a 3" sebae clown and a large bubble-tip anemone 2) a 3" blue tang 3) a 2" naso tang 3) a small damsel 4) a watcher gobie 5) a copper-band butterfly (small)
Again, any suggestions are welcome!
your tank is not suitable for ANY tangs, nor butterflies


I do have an agreement with the retail store I bought the tangs in that they will take them back once they outgrow the tank (this was a concern of mine). The naso has a long way, at least a year, hopefully the same with the blue. As far as the copper-banded butterfly, I had an outbreak of aiptasia and he was suggested. He's very small (about 1.5"). As far as water tests, I test iodine, calcium, ph, ammonia, 'trates and 'trites. The tang police can ticket me, but once they start growing they will be taken back.


Originally Posted by tj51
I do have an agreement with the retail store I bought the tangs in that they will take them back once they outgrow the tank (this was a concern of mine). The naso has a long way, at least a year, hopefully the same with the blue. As far as the copper-banded butterfly, I had an outbreak of aiptasia and he was suggested. He's very small (about 1.5"). As far as water tests, I test iodine, calcium, ph, ammonia, 'trates and 'trites. The tang police can ticket me, but once they start growing they will be taken back.
I think you misunderstood me...Hex's are not suitable for tangs of ANY size...they don't provide the horizontal swiming room needed....ESPECIALLY Naso's they are very active swimmers....they all need to go back to the store until you have the proper tank. Also if you are going to make tang police comments, take your questions elseware...its childish and irresponsible.


If it is a consensious of this posting community that I not post here, I will respect that.....but I really don't see a need for a personal attack. If you notice a previous reply to my post it said, "Now for the tricky part. In your stock list you mention you have a Blue Hippo and Naso Tang. Both are beautiful fish but really need to be housed in a bigger aquarium as they grow to be large sized. Be aware there may be some who would criticize you for having these two fish. Do a search for 'tang police' and you will see what I mean. I would consider selling them back to the LFS but in the end that would be up to you." So it wasn't me that coined the phrase.
When I purchased the Naso, I asked if a 30" long tank would be enough for a small naso and was informed that it would outgrow the tank, but for now it would have plenty of room. If you disagree, that is fine, that is the reason I posted asking for advice; however, if personal attacks is what this forum is about, then I'm not so sure I want to be included anyway.


Originally Posted by tj51
If it is a consensious of this posting community that I not post here, I will respect that.....but I really don't see a need for a personal attack. If you notice a previous reply to my post it said, "Now for the tricky part. In your stock list you mention you have a Blue Hippo and Naso Tang. Both are beautiful fish but really need to be housed in a bigger aquarium as they grow to be large sized. Be aware there may be some who would criticize you for having these two fish. Do a search for 'tang police' and you will see what I mean. I would consider selling them back to the LFS but in the end that would be up to you." So it wasn't me that coined the phrase.
When I purchased the Naso, I asked if a 30" long tank would be enough for a small naso and was informed that it would outgrow the tank, but for now it would have plenty of room. If you disagree, that is fine, that is the reason I posted asking for advice; however, if personal attacks is what this forum is about, then I'm not so sure I want to be included anyway.
Hello TJ,
On the contrary I believe these boards are very beneficial and there is a lot of good information here. Mot of the time there is reasonable debate about what are good things to do and not so good things to do. Once in a while things can get interesting. It is unfortunate you do happen to have the one situation (Having tangs in a small aquarium) that is a sore subject for some folks on here. I myself just try to give the facts and then let people decide on how they want to proceed.
Having said that I wouldnt give up on the board. Keep asking questions because in the end that is what helps us all become better marine aquarists.
Welcome to the boards


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I have noticed that most people cant read anymore they don’t know what the small words mean like: if, and, or, was, and now…


I will say though....do you have a blue hippo and a naso? That's probally bound to be a bad combination regardless of tank style....if it's a hippo he's gonna double in size before you can snap your fingers....I foolishly tried to keep a YT and BHT in the same smaller tank....had to give up the hippo...