Ring of Fire Zoas!!


Active Member
Does anyone own ring of fire zoos? I'm thinking about ordering a medium/large rock of them, and have seen pictures of them, and would like to know if any of you out there own them and have a picture! Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by MrsDorothy

I found this picture by doing a search.

yea i have these! the red is a little more orange but they are the same. i think i got them for free somewhere. theres like 50-70 on a piece of rock


Active Member
Originally Posted by corky
so are you looking to sell- I mean trade some frags? If so what are you interested in?

mabye when they get a little more spread out. right now they are on a 3x3 piece of rock. i have some other stuff ill trade. i have xenia, 2 hairy mushrooms about 3 inches a piece, alot of live rock, and some other zoo frags but not these 1's. here are a couple pics of them. the pics came from a website that i cant mention but they are similar to what i have. the frags would be like 10+. im interested in anything give a list of what you have.



Active Member
I have these, they're about the most colorful that
I have except I have some that are more colorful under the actinics. I like the light blue's you have.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
I have these, they're about the most colorful that
I have except I have some that are more colorful under the actinics. I like the light blue's you have.

yes i have these 1's. are you asking to trade some light blue 1's for something you have?? im a little confused


Active Member
Sorry, I did mean I would be interested in the light blue ones. My bad. I dont have a lot to trade that I could frag right now but I'll get some pics.
First, these are dark brown, like a chocolate not the drab brown, with creme coloerd centers.The centers glow like a sherbert orange under the actinics.
Second, these are brown skirt with green center. The plate glows pinkish in a patern kinda like the armor of god zoos.
Third, these are large polps, may be paly's I dunno
.They kinda look puple and orasnge under the actinis. They came to me almost translucent and have colored up pretty well. Mostly orange under 8 T5ho's 39watt. 4 10K, 4 actinics.
I knopw their not much. But I'm just starting. I have 9 different types and these are the only ones I could get a frag off right now. The last grow pretty quick. But I'd be willing to get a small frag from you for like a two or three multi zoo frag from me. Or even 2 or 3 different frags of these. Does that make sense? I have a frag right now that has the brown and creme ones, 3 or 4 polyps and the ones i posted in a pic above. But you have those. Anyways I'd be willing to give you more polyps of these 4 types for a few polyps of you'rs. The ring of fire one's would be AWESOME!


Active Member
Sorry, I did mean I would be interested in the light blue ones. My bad. I dont have a lot to trade that I could frag right now but I'll get some pics.
First, these are dark brown, like a chocolate not the drab brown, with creme coloerd centers.The centers glow like a sherbert orange under the actinics.
Second, these are brown skirt with green center. The plate glows pinkish in a pattern kinda like the armor of god zoos.
Third, these are large polps, may be paly's I dunno
.They kinda look puple and orasnge under the actinis. They came to me almost translucent and have colored up pretty well. Mostly orange under 8 T5ho's 39watt. 4 10K, 4 actinics.
I knopw their not much. But I'm just starting. I have 9 different types and these are the only ones I could get a frag off right now. The last grow pretty quick. But I'd be willing to get a small frag from you for like a two or three multi zoo frag from me. Or even 2 or 3 different frags of these. Does that make sense? I have a frag right now that has the brown and creme ones, 3 or 4 polyps and the ones i posted in a pic above. But you have those. Anyways I'd be willing to give you more polyps of these 4 types for a few polyps of you'rs. The ring of fire one's would be AWESOME!
Even just a coupls polyps.
