rio 600


I purchased a cpr skimmer about 2 months ago. My rio 600 pump crapped the bed on me. The store who sold it to me dosent feel they should replace it and are all out anyways so I couldnt pirchase a new one . This is TOTAL BS but thats not why I am posting.
I need an email address or a link to CPR or rio manufactrer website. I am going to contact the company and

up a storm. Any product that costs me 150+ and only lasts 2 months damn well better be backed up by the company.
Thanks in advance.


I know it sucks to buy A new pump but Rios are crap anyway good that it crapped before it SHOCKED you (happened to me) Try using a Maxi-Jet 1000 or 1200 use the plastic intake cover and place an air line into the plastic cover through a hole that you make. This will improve your skimmer by 100% I have been using this set-up for 9 months on my predator reef.


try cleaning the Rio as they sieze up if not cleaned monthly (they are a real POS). If it still won't work try the CPR website for info on switching to a maxijet.


I personally have the cprbakpak2. I have had to replace the rio only once and that was after 2 years. I would be interested in switching to a differnt pump only to find one that is a little quieter. As far as performance, I have been lucky. When the first one died it was a slow decline so I knew I had to replace it. Did you get the warranty card with it?? I looked on mine and their web site is Maybe you can take up your problem with them and their warranty.
Good Luck!!!!!