Rio nano Skimmer


has anyone ever heard of a Rio nano Skimmer???
It says it has a carbon does that make it a filter too? I was thinking of a small skimmer for my 10G
need to know if this will work as a skimmer/and filter?


I use one on my dwarf seahorse tanks. I have never used them in place of a filter though, honestly, I never really thought about it. I will say that the ones I have skim the heck out of the tanks! I bought mine as a lot on the Bay and have been ecstatic.


HMMM.....well on the 10G, the opening in the hood would not be big enough for both the HOB filter and this rio skimmer
I was just thinking of something that maybe did both..that was compact


Well I ordered we shall see.....
I had to order new bulbs for the 54G anyway...they are just about at 1 year.....December it will be MH bulbs for the 225G

Does it ever end .......


You'll be happy with it I'm almost certain. I have been continually surprised by the amount of crap it skims. I think I only paid less than $15 a piece for them and they are invaluable to me now.
In order to ensure that everyone gets fed, I have to in essense almost overfeed the tank. I do stock the tanks with alot of gorgs and non-stinging corals but still stress over water quality.
Those skimmers have decreased my water changes by at least 50%.


LOL...I have 2 black and white gobies, a few snails, and a crab or maybe 2 in this tank....BUT it is full of Kenya tree....this is where I keep tossing the "extra"
I also just tossed in a few tiny red mushrooms today, and 2 brown palys.....there will be more when I frag the rest....ONE DAY I hope to get to my NOTSO LFS in Texas and bring him this stuff....don't know what I'll get in return, but the only other option I have is the garbage...LOL


What's left of my kenya after a pretty intense pruning and stern lecture about keeping to one's self is back dropping it's children all over my 40 again.
I remember my first reef, so carefully placing my first kenya, so worried about it's health. Now, I curse them like the plague they have become, lol.


LOL...funny cause I have 2 in my 225G....they do not grow like the 54G or the 29G for some odd reason
It kills me when I see how much they sell for too
especially since I have just about no one to sell or trade to


Meowzr, what does this Rio look like? I am contemplating a new skimmer for my 24g, I have a Current fission and it worthless!!!! I was looking at a Tunze Doc or a Octopus nano. I need something that will sit in sump not HOB.


Bummer!!! I have been having a heck of a time deciding on the proper skimmer for this tank. I'll just keep researching...ugggg. Thanks anyway


New Member
Have you received the skimmer yet? My LFS just got one in a couple weeks ago. I researched it, and read mixed reviews about it where ppl are saying it is either quiet or too loud so I have been leary about it. I have a 10g setup in my living room now, and the aquaclear hob filter on it is pretty close to silent, and I don't want to add something that is really loud like my 46g tank.


I got it last is really quiet, BUT I have no idea how to adjust it...LOL....I have not gotten anything in the cup yet, BUT to tell you the truth, I have been sick, and have not messed with it at all after work.....I plan on tomorrow since I am off and have the time


Originally Posted by VDUB99AML http:///forum/thread/381411/rio-nano-skimmer#post_3325604
I have read that the instructions are not helpful at all. I found a youtube video that shows the installation and adjustment for the skimmer: Hope this helps!
Thanks...I'll check it out.....first thing this morning thought I twisted and turned that little venturi knob in the skimmer...and I heard a SWOOSH....and now I have foam

this was only about 15 minutes ago, but it is foaming.....I will watch the video in a little while, and keep you up to date on the skimmer that I have some