Rio Pumps.


Active Member
We've all heard how bad rio pumps are. But are they really that bad? For what I've heard in these forums, they're terrible, but they have very good reviews.
Just curious.


Tried three in my 14G since Nov since they make a nice small one that doesn't produce as much heat as the Koralia Evolution Nano pump and all three died in less than 3 weeks. They're terrible!


Active Member
Have a Rio 6HF in my biocube as the return pump. I would not use anything else. It is a great little pump.


Active Member
I had one before and it died. Not enough experience for me to really bad mouth them. I do like my mag and koralia pumps though.


Active Member
I plan in getting a magdrive.
Like in said, I was just curious.
Would a mag drive 9.5 be good for a 55g?
It would provide between 700-800 gph, so total turnover between 12 and 14 times per hour.


Active Member
Eheim would be a better choice than a MagDrive.....Yes the Mags are good pumps, and cheaper, but the Eheim is a better pump for a couple reasons.....Quality, less heat transfer to the water, and more energy efficient. You don't want all your tank turnover through your sump.


Active Member
Could you recomended a specific pump?
And what do you mean I don't want all turn over through my sump?
I have a koralia 3 in the tank, and about 1/4 of thr overflow would go to the fuge, which drains into the return chamber of the sump.

bang guy

The issue with the larger submergible Rio pumps was (perhaps still is) the skimpy amount of epoxy used. The failure rate may actually be better than other pumps but when they fail they have been more likely to leak grease, oil, copper, and electricity into the water. I've actually not heard of any other brands of pumps do this at all. Perhaps it happens but I have only heard of Rio catastrophically failing. Other pumps just stop working.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by yannifish
Could you recomended a specific pump?
And what do you mean I don't want all turn over through my sump?
I have a koralia 3 in the tank, and about 1/4 of thr overflow would go to the fuge, which drains into the return chamber of the sump.
After some further study...a turnover of 12-14 times the volume of your tank is overkill. You skimmer and fuge would never be able to process all of this water unless you had a really bad ass expensive skimmer. With the mag 9.5 all you would be doing is basically turning over water and there's not much point to that. The mag 5 would probably be more than plenty...but it's like Shawn said, the Ehiems are deffinately known for their better quality. The Ehiem 1250 would probably a better choice going by the good reviews that this brand gets.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
The issue with the larger submergible Rio pumps was (perhaps still is) the skimpy amount of epoxy used. The failure rate may actually be better than other pumps but when they fail they have been more likely to leak grease, oil, copper, and electricity into the water. I've actually not heard of any other brands of pumps do this at all. Perhaps it happens but I have only heard of Rio catastrophically failing. Other pumps just stop working.


Active Member
I was kind of thinking that might be too much. That's a lot of water being moved.
I'll be getting the 4 inch octopus pinneedle wheel skimmer, just for reference.
Actually, a smaller pump uses less energy as well, so all is good.
Do you think a Koralia Evolution 750 would helpful in the tank, or not necessary?


Active Member
Yes would be helpful in the tank. That is where you want the majority of your flow an turnover of the tank.


Active Member
Okay, if you think that is enough.
I won't be buying it any time soon, as I have a return pump, and have to build my sump still.