The small rios are pretty good. I use them in my tanks. Barely audible noise but if you get into the bigger ones they just plan don't work well. Loud, break, and the suction cups usually don't work.....
I'm running a 600 on a CPR skimmer and a 1700 for circulation. I've ran them for 4yrs+, 24/7 with no problems. That said, I'm currently switching to Maxijets & Mags. As I understand it Rios don't restart dependably when set on timers & once upon a time they contained oil which could be introduced into the aquarium. The oils gone, but the dependability issue is still there. Basically it boils down to getting what you pay for. A Rio is 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of one of the better pumps & there are reasons for this.
Junk, garbage waste of money, noisy, undependable, cheap, binds up, worthless-and all this is on a good day. Spend the little bit extra and get a mag drive.
I have gone through a pair of rio 2500's and a pair of rio 3100's. Big problem after a shut things down to feed then they will not start back up. Also compared to a mag drive the rio is loud as heck. HTH