RIP Reagan!


Active Member
Amen. May he rest in eternal peace
I was watching Fox news and there was a political cartoonist that said the most hoorible things about Reagon and that he is burning in hell for what he did to this country. I wanted to rip the guys head off.


yea i read the same garbage on the drudge report. i would have been right beside you jlem :mad: :mad: :mad: RIP PRESIDENT REAGAN!!!!!!!


Active Member
I could think of a bunch of bad things to say about the man...but why? It's just flat out wrong to pick on the man after he is dead. He did a duty for our country so let him R.I.P., but if people want to try to glorify him, and get him on currency, well that's another story.


Active Member
R.I.P and God bless his ANGEL of a wife for standing by her husband all these years, in the good and the not so good times.
I really feel for her, losing the man she loved for 52 years.


Active Member
that is all I could think about every time I saw Nancy. She took her vows to heart. She took care of him for 5 solid years of he@@....she wouldn't even accept help from outside the family. No matter what kind of president he was, they truly loved each other and she took care of him until the day he died.
and Altziheimers (sp) is a horrible thing for family/loved ones to experience. Believe me....



Originally posted by fishman9
Theyshould critize what he did to this country, but not to the point that they did.

Yes... I agree.... we should criticize the fact that he wasn't MORE aggressive and didn't iintroduce legislation to OUTLAW liberals!

I think the history books will tell all..... and the sheer numbers of those paying respects (double what was expected here in CA), and looks to be at least double in DC...
His legacy:
*Freeing the hostages in Iran (now...THAT was awesome!)
*Challenging Gorby to "tear down this wall" (this in itself is the single-most astounding thing an American president has done/said in the past 50 years).
*Our world is forever changed and a MUCH better place because of him and his efforts to end the Cold War... I suppose there are some of the younger set here who don't remember the "duck and cover" drills... I'm glad my kids don't have to worry about some guy in the USSR (what's that?) pushing a red button and vaporizing N. America.
*Starting the ball rolling for the Pro-life movement... (a great thing, to me :) )
Sure, there are some "shady" things... (arms for hostages... :rolleyes: ) But....hey...truth is (and everyone with a brain knows it)...the Presidency demands some "shady" dealings once in awhile.
All-in-all...the greatest president of the 20th Century... IMHO

Originally posted by aarone

chunk a deuce ronny

I don't even know what this means...but it would probably tick me off anyway... :nope:


Active Member
well, i for one felt it was an emotional and powerful ceremony yesterday. I'm sure Fridays will be even more so


Active Member
well, i for one felt it was an emotional and powerful ceremony yesterday. I'm sure Fridays will be even more so
So did I. It was somber and beautiful. Poor Nancy. I hope she can make it without him. You all MUST read the story of Nancy's last moment with Ron. It's on the New York Post website. There was a link on the drudgereport. It'll make you cry.
Farewell to a great president and a great man.


Active Member

Originally posted by polarpooch
It's on the New York Post website. There was a link on the drudgereport. It'll make you cry.

i cant find it in either place:confused: :thinking: can u link it?


All i have to say is idea that single handly almost ruined this country!!!!! Are you a Conservite??? (spelling)


Active Member

Originally posted by fishman9
All i have to say is idea that single handly almost ruined this country!!!!! Are you a Conservite??? (spelling)

forget politics for a moment and have some sympathy for the family, and a previous leader (if you like him or not, dosnt matter) of our country. this is a funeral, not a presidental election.
(sorry about the edit)


Active Member
Daniel --
i dont think that is the right article, polarpooch says it was her last moments with him, i assumed (never assume, right?) it was his last moments alive:confused:


i wasn't attacking him or his family, i was stating a fact. He was almost successful in burying this country in debt and now Bush is following suit. I send my prayers to his family and i feel sorry, but my opions and the facts don't change. Sorry if i offended you cindy.



Originally posted by fishman9
All i have to say is idea that single handly almost ruined this country!!!!! Are you a Conservite??? (spelling)

Almost ruined the country? What are you kidding me? The man did what needed to be done that no bleeding heart liberal would have had the stones to do. Ended the cold war, bankrupted the Soviets. I'm pretty sure the decade that followed was the one of the most prosperous in the history of the USA.


Active Member
no fishman9, you did not offend me at all, i never said if i liked the guy or not and i dont choose to speak my polical views over the internet. i just have respect for RR & his family. :)