
Not to be doubting you but its all about gearing. Also dragging is good at stop lights but Im a fan of driving up in the mountains on those curvy roads where it doesnt matter how much HP you have (to a point) Also rice would refer to someone who makes there car look fast when it isnt. Also I dont think you have much room to talk about rebuilds when you own a ferrari. Ive had my car for 3 years and I take it to redline daily use 5w30 mobil one and she still purrs like a kitten. I was not aware of the Indy camaros but then again only 50 were made soo how many are actually on the road to see. I have absolutely nothing against american cars but I hate it when american car owners wont accept us and call us rice burners..its all in ones opinion. I do what makes me happy and I like Honda I like how they engineer their cars they dont rely on just V8 muscle to make their cars fast. Like VTEC it allows a car to be maximized for both low end torque and high end horsepower by utilizing a system which allows two cam profiles. Honda is able to put out over 120 hp per liter in its s2000 if the z28 was to do this it would have 684 hp and 430 pounds of torque(i figured this as well) STOCK.
I had a stock '78 mercury capri that would turn 9400rpm. Yes there was alot of pulling and tweeking in order to get this out of it, but I was able to run a 1/4 in less than 8sec. Now kids mind you I say "HAD" the poor thing blew up due to this.
I also "HAD" a stock Ford Ranger that could jump off the line at 20mph. Lets see a "Lightning" do that.
I am now reduced to an Acura Integra that I want to get rid of, my Bronco II(I beat the hell outta), and Caddy ElDorado Baritz.


acuraman2: I don't own a ferrari... and your right... it all about the transmission and the stall coverter if there is one in place. You are sort of like I am ... when you say you like to drive up the mountains on those curvy roads. However this is where your low end torque comes into play. For instance my Dodge Ram goes 75mph at 2100rpm. My Camaro goes 75mph at 2600rpm. The Camaro may get to the top faster... but the Dodge is going to work less and use less gas while getting there. 5w30 motor oil shouldn't be used when you race cars period. 10w40 would probably be ok if your in colder climate zones. But I can tell you here in Minnesota where its damn cold I run nothing but 60W, 20W50, and 10W30 (winter). I'm not knocking imports for their power. I've seen a few imports completely piled up with turbos and mod kits that can wipe my Camaro out. Granted they do a 1/4 mile in 9s and I do a 1/4 in 10s. However their cars don't have a top speed of 152mph and I'm not using turbos. The only imports that bother me are the ones with small engines designed for racing. Small engines with peaked performance have short lives. You take a Toyota Camry agaisnt a Buick Lesabre and they Camry will probably run 25 years longer than the Buick. But you take a S2000 vs a Pontiac Firehawk SV and the Firehawk will easily get 5-8 years longer life. Componets are made stronger and more resiliant to wear and tear in the V8s. They run hotter and are pushed more to the limits of their construction. Imports use the lightweight materials in their construction to keep weight down and performance up. This isn't a bad thing on race day... it's much better. However if you plan on keeping your car around a long time, possibly handing it down to your kids... think again. Unless you got a spare $5000 lying around to install that new engine. Before I took out my old engine in my Camaro it had 347,000 miles on it and it still drove like a dream. The only thing that I had to fix on it was the starter and the fuel pump during its whole life. The car had even been through two accidents and a shredded transmission. The engine is still in top shape. That's why small engines don't fly with me. It's not just imports either... it's american cars with small engines too. Geos are the worst thing to grace the roads we drive on.
*shrug* It's all in the time and money I guess.


Gas consumption also has a large bearing on displacement. SO I can afford to keep the RPMs up high, keeping me in the higher cam setting. Also the s2000 comes with a 100,000 mile powertrain warrantee I have yet to see any Camaro with one but i may be wrong. Eventually Im gonna have have on of those hopped up turbo cars, i just bought a CRX for 450 bucks it didnt have an engine which is good because Im gonna drop a non-VTEC integra engine in there and eventually turbo. Also I was watching some SCCA action the other day and I believe I saw a s2000 come in third behind a cough cough mustang and a BWM. A Camaro pulled ahead for a while but the car couldnt take the punishment and broke. Also the NSX regularly beats Corvettes and porshes in the GT series racing on Speedvision. And I wont mention the Type-R integras with 50 pound weight restriction and a restrictor plate on their TB because they have too much HP and are too light.


Corvettes are ick ick ick ick...
They are for people that want the image for cheap. It's been regularly shown that Camaro's are faster anyway. Some of them look nice... but I honestly don't think I'd ever buy one. I'd rather own a 1969 Chevelle SS with a 396 or a 454 then any year Corvette. Even if the Corvette is worth more in resale.
Those 100,000 powertrain warranties are pretty standard now too. You can get them on almost any car/truck. Sometimes you have to buy it however. Cars are just built a hell of a lot better now and they can afford to give them to you. You won't see those warranties on Camaro or Firebirds because they aren't made anymore. 2002 was the last year.


Ill agree with you on that way to many people have corvettes. I know there are a million and one integras on the road but there are about 4000 Type-R here in the US. Still a 100,000 warrantee(no one you have to pay for) on a car that has a 9000 rpm redline is still pretty impressive. Oh and Im well aware of many camaros that are faster than corvettes. How about the blackbird it was dynoed at like 400 hp.


You name it I have had it. I may not have it right now... but at some point in time I have always had most sharks. Even the sand tiger shark. They don't fare well in long term small tanks but I have had them for awhile.


would you say sharks display more personality than other fishes? And you must have more than the aquariums you have listed on your profile


I wouldn't say sharks display more personality than other saltwater fish. Probably just as much. It's tough to say... I mean every fish is different. I guess it also depends on what you consider "showing personality". The are definately more interesting to watch then the rest of my fish. Even if they aren't as pretty as triggers and angelfish... they are much more active and fun to talk about. When you go out to the bar or something with friends you usually don't talk about your eels or triggers or whatever. You probably don't even talk about your dog or cat... but there is something different with sharks that just bring to life conversation. It is essentially like having a zoo animal in your home. So it's interesting to people and I have had lengthy discussions about them.
I have a lot more aquariums then in my profile. I have two 12,000 gallon pools even.
The two new tanks won't be built until next summer. I have to decide if I am going to move first. One of the tanks will be a large indoor tank and thats why I don't want to start them yet. The rest of the tanks are mobile so I don't have to worry about them.
about livening up a conversation risc. i get the same kinda reaction with my big! snakes 1 is 10ft 1 is 12 ft and 1 is 15ft and when you say well i have a 15ft reticulated python it can realy bring to life a dead conversation