Rise in nitrate.


New Member
Will kick-ick make the nitrates rise in a saltwater aquarium? We have noticed that the nitrates have been aroun 20ppm even after a 10% water change and i dont know if the kick-ick would do that.


Originally Posted by qb6945
Will kick-ick make the nitrates rise in a saltwater aquarium? We have noticed that the nitrates have been aroun 20ppm even after a 10% water change and i dont know if the kick-ick would do that.
It will make the fish excrete more, which will eventualy cause the increase in nitrate.

al mc

Active Member
They may also rise from the medication causing the death of organisms and the decay/degradation of these organism, and despite it's claim not to harm beneficial bacteria, it may reduce the anerobic bacteria that reduces nitrates to nitrogen gas.

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by qb6945
What is a way to bring them back down? Constant water changes?
Larger percentage water changes. As long as the water is of the same pH, temperature and salinity you should be able to safely change as much water as you wish. I have made 50% water changes when necessity dictated a large water change with no apparent problem.
Also, anything else about your system that could cause it? Crushed coral substrate, dirty filters, etc?