Rising temp in water.


I purchased a new light fixture that totals 560 watts. The 2x150 watt halides are heating my water up to where I don't even need to have the heater on. Also i am having to set my apartment AC unit to about 75 degrees ALL day while I am at work to compensate for the halide heat on the water. The fixture is about 6 inches above the tank(note-I can not raise the lights any higher for the time being). I'd like to note that the fixture is not in its permanent spot either; the fixture is going on my 110g later this month. For the time being it is on one of my 55g's. Also I would like to state at this moment I am NOT buying a chiller...So please do not let that be a response to my question.

1) If the temp keeps getting above 80 degrees what can i do? Turn my appt AC on and freeze myself instead of letting the fish die(this would be the easiest thing to do IMO)
2) How long should I run the halides seperate from the PC's? Since the halides are heating the water up soo much how long is the minimum i can run them for my clams and LPS to be allright? (mainly worried about my clams and anemone)
Ok I think that is all for the time being.
I would GREATLY appreciate any help/support with this problem.


Active Member
I would say 6 hours a day minimum for the halides to be a benifit to the clams.
get an elcheapo fan from walmart or wherever and point it so its blowing across the top of your tank the excess evaporation will help cool the tank, keep in mind you'll have to top off more. if you have a sump put one on that too.
it'll help and since its temporary it may be enough.


Active Member
You can cheat a little and slowly raise the temp in your tank to around 83, with the higher temp set on your heater when the lights are off you dont have so much swing.
This extra bump of a few degrees should compensate for the lights heat in shorter intervals of a few hours at a time.
I would think just a few hours say 3 or 4 max should be just fine for your photo period from the MH. Especially if they are being suplemented with the PC's. Maybe even 2 hours but that just seems short for the clams.
You say you are transfering to the new tank within the month, thats fine, nothing will have any problems even if you sorta limp it along for the month untill you make the switch.
Good luck, and congrats, new lights are always exiting. ( i know- im still a dork at heart)


Thanks for everyone's advice!! So what I gathered from all of your post.
1) Use fans. I have one small 12 inch fan I can use on the sump.
Also I have another large fan that is on a stand and I think I can use that one and set it on the lowest setting(or should I put it on high) to use on the tank.
What do you guys think? Will this lower the temp enough to keep the halides on for longer than 4 hours a day?
2) I don't know about raising the tank to 83 degrees... :notsure: Isn't that really high for inverts and such(would it kill anything)?
3) Length of time for halides to run? If I use the fans then wouldn't I be able to run the lights for the regular amount of time I have had them on for a month now allready? I have been running the halides for about 10 hours a day and the PC's for 12 hours then the lunar lights the rest of the time.
4) What temp. should I put my heater on to keep temperature flucuations to a minimum when the halides are off? Also just out of curiosity-What do you guys keep your reef tanks temp. at?


Active Member
i'd try it on the scedual you have with the fans on iut and see what your temp does. let that dictate weather or not to cut back how long they are on.


Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Good luck, and congrats, new lights are always exiting. ( i know- im still a dork at heart)
Thank you very much! The lights are the outer orbit 560w combo fixture w/ fans hahaha...guess the fans are just to keep the fixture itself cool.


Active Member
I have the same fixture on my 75, I have my MH lights on for about 6 hours a day (i have sps, but no clams), the key is to have them come on early in the morning and go off before the heat of the day, or late afternoon, when the air is cooling for the evening. I have also done 4 hours in the morning, and 4 hours in the evening, with the same results. I also get home later in the day from work, so it is okay for the lights to come on at 5 and go off at 12 for me. I get home about 9:30, and it is always nice to be able to see the tank all lit up... My pc's are run for an hour and a hlaf before the MH and for 1 hour after. the moon lights are on when the others are not.


i would keep your ac on the same setting, close any blinds that you have in the room so it says pretty much dark and add a few fans...i have seen some of the 6 fan clip on systems in deep sea of Everything in the bay


OK problems when i got home today!! The few pods that i did have are dead...I seen a few of them floating, in prefilters, etc...This means my temp got up to high right?? Somehow my AC was bumped up to 79 degrees!!! while i was gone to work....
It is hot in MS right now too so my apartment was well over 15 degrees... I dont know if i did this by mistake when i was trying to lower it this morning when i left. Currently i have put the Big fan thats over 12 inches in diameter blowing over the tank..and in the process of putting the small fan over the sump and fuge...Any advice on what i can do to lower the temp it was at 83 degrees when i got home and apparently its killing my pods..i checked all water parameters and they are in check..anyone help please..


Active Member
83 isnt so high stuff should be dying, some reefs naturally run at 85. I would say 88 is dangerous. I have seen my tanks previously in the dead of summer in a second floor apt at 90 and everything lived. scary but good water quality reduces the ammount of amonia to go toxic in high temp situations.


well maybe my thermometer is wrong...BUt last time the water temp got high this same thing happened cause my heater malfunctioned and wouldnt cut off..the pods a few snails and shrimp died..so thats why i am assuming the heat was the reason why..I have brouight it doen to around 78 though with the fans and turning the halides off..But really people keep the tanks at 85 degrees?? Why?? I thought inverts wouldnt survive at temps that high..


Active Member
not people, oceans shallow lagoons baking in the sun for hours a low tide, that can cause quite a temperature spike. and of course you can imagine how fast the temperature drops once the tide re enters the lagoon, not ideal in a tank but viable in nature. (though the species that survive in these conditions are usually quite hardy)