ritteri anemone


Active Member
OK, there doesn't seem to be a lot of info on this critter, but I'll ask anyways. I've had a few anemones in my reef, but this is my first Ritteri (had him for about 5 weeks now). I know anemones turn their stomach inside out to expel wastes (I don't know if that's actually what they are doing, but you get the point). Anyways, my Ritteri has had its entire stomach turned inside out for about 3 days now, and this morning, it was really bad... almost like a pile of maggots (sorry for the imagary there, but it's the only description I could come up with). I stuck the net in to see what kind of shape he was in, and he's still pretty solid (as opposed to a gooey pile of slime that anemones turn into when they die), and my maroon clown is still hanging around it. Ordinarily, the foot/base on this thing is about 7 inches high, and the disc is about 4" in diameter. Now, there basically is no disc, and the foot is shriveled up to about 1.5". The stomach is very swolen... almost like a sphere... larger than a golf ball, but smaller than a baseball.
I've never seen anything like this before... not to this extent anyways. I'm guessing he's ok, but has anyone ever seen this kind of thing happen (with a Ritteri or otherwise)?


Yeesh! That sounds really bad to have had him like that for three days. Can you move him to a hospital tank of sorts so that if he does go, he doesn't take anything else with him?