RO/DI brevard county, FL


Active Member
I have been looking for a station that fills with RO/DI water and I cannot find anything around where I live. Does anyone live in the area that might know where there is a place. I am located in Brevard County, FL. I am not really sure how to go about searching for a place, I have used the internet and been unsuccessful so far. Thanks.


just curious.... if there isn't anywhere around have you considered just buying a RO/DI system? in the long run its MUCH better


yeah you will come out much better in the long run to purchase your own unit in the long run. I purchased a hom/reef unit so I could use it for drinking water as well.
as far as find some where local you can call around to different LFS' , water sales places like culigan, or check the local grocery stores. most of them have bottled RO water just have to read the labels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Am00re34
just curious.... if there isn't anywhere around have you considered just buying a RO/DI system? in the long run its MUCH better

No, I never really thought about that. Are they expensive? That might not be a bad idea... Thanks!


OUr R/O only cost somewhere around $100.00 or so. We thought it was a great investment. Keep in mind, you can drink RO water, but we were told not RO/DI water. So just chose which system you want.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
If you are at all handy you can go to home depot and get a unit for under two hundred that will go under your sink with a 3 gallon holding tank an attachment that goes on your sink so you can use it for drinking water. As well as for your tank


I used to live in Kissimmee...I could have used RO water then just for drinking. The tap water was terrible.


i bought my unit off *-****for around 120 w/ shipping. works great! units offered by companies like Kent are good units, but you are paying for the name. there are many more options available for cheaper that are often much better. (more stages, RO/DI instead of just RO)