RO/DI gallon jugs from Supermarket?


Originally Posted by larryndana
Freshwater fish tank:
I believe i read somewhere that said don't use ro/di water for freshwater tanks. Can't remember where i read that.
Yeah, the guy at my LFS said that too. Something about the Ph not being high enough. I have Cichlids, so I use a lot of honeycomb rock in the tank, which is supposed to boost Ph a bit. I think they'll be OK. It's been about 5 days now and no floaters yet


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Also, this thread is the first (that I can recall) talking about a TDS meter. I guess I'll have to get one. Have no idea what it looks like, but I'll search it out to see.
My Typhoon III system from Air Water Ice came with one. Two actually... A hand held unit and an in-line meter. I'll have to post pics of the whole setup later. It actually looks kind of cool hanging on the wall


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Sounds like you are safe to go with your saltwater then. What kind of water do you have now in that tank? The fact your freshwater fish did not die is a good sign.

Cough - straight tap water - cough
Lack of research and very anxious kids casued me to fill 'er up before I found out about RODI water. Luckily I don't have any algea problems. I did have a TON of diatoms though, but they have since died off, or been eaten by my clean up crew.


Active Member
Originally Posted by extremepcs
Cough - straight tap water - cough
Lack of research and very anxious kids casued me to fill 'er up before I found out about RODI water. Luckily I don't have any algea problems. I did have a TON of diatoms though, but they have since died off, or been eaten by my clean up crew.
Shame, shame, shame!
Well, when I first started with a gold fish, I killed it because I was cleaning the bowl once a week, COMPLETELY!!!